Monday, January 25, 2010

Snow Bunny or Beach Bunny?

A couple of weeks ago, here's how I looked:

Except for a breathtakingly warm heat wave this weekend (temperatures in the 40's), I feel like it's been a pretty cold winter so far.

And I am SO over it already!

So I decided that Iwanski and I were going to have our very own "night at the beach." I cranked up the heat, put on my swimsuit, and spread a couple of beach towels on the living room floor. Then I made some margaritas and put on some Jamaican music, and Iwanski and I sat on the beach towels and enjoyed our summer evening.

It was really fun; I think we'll have to do that now every time I get sick of winter.

Wait a minute, that would be like, every day. (Reaches for her margarita)...Oh, well, ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do!


  1. it was in the high 50's and sunny today..just telling what tomorrow will be is texas

  2. Will you come over for a Winter party in July when I'm all depressed over the heat?

  3. I think it's a great idea! Wish I'd thought of it years ago. We might still be living in civilization!

  4. Did you have your Snuggie(s) handy just in case you got a chill?

  5. Brilliant!..Beach bunny,definitely.

  6. not so cold here but i am tired of the dreary days. we do salad night with garlic bread to make it feel like summer....might have to do it sitting on the floor with beach towels.

  7. Be careful of Tsunami's.
