Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Bestest Girlfriend

Today is the birthday of my best girlfriend, Diane.

Diane has been with me through thick and thin (and this year she’s thin, and I’m a bit thicker than last year!), and she is one of the most kind and generous people I have ever known.

One of my favorite stories about Diane was from before she bought her current home, when she used to live in an apartment building in a small town, with several very friendly neighbors. I mean, these people actually knew each other—and I don’t mean just knew each other’s names, just casual acquaintances—but they actually did things together like potluck lunches, stuff like that. (I guess that kind-of thing happens sometimes in small towns. In my apartment building here in Chicago, I only know one of my neighbors’ names, and she’s a dog.)

Anyway, one year at Christmastime, on St. Nick’s Day, Diane made up little gifts (I think they were stockings) with candies and homemade treats, and very late at night, she tiptoed around her apartment building and secretly hung the gifts on all of her neighbors’ doors.

Now isn’t that just the sweetest thing?

That’s exactly the type of person Diane is. Sweet, generous, and kind.

And I am lucky enough to call her friend.

Happy Birthday, Diane! May you have many more wonderful years ahead—you deserve them!


  1. Good friends and good neighbors are one of life's great blessings

  2. My bff's birthday is ALSO today. The best people are born in January.

  3. happy birthday to a great friend..she'd get a long well here in west..

  4. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I hope to stay as sweet as MHP says I am. I still think she is a heck of a lot sweeter than I could ever be! :)
