Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Cause for Celebration

Iwanski had even more cause for celebration today.

Check it out.


  1. I LOVE McRibb... were you guys there last night?

  2. Mouse--yes, we were--it was awesome! We were lucky enough to actually have tickets to the gated area. Awe. Some! :)

  3. I've never tasted a McRib. Are they tasty?

  4. Maria--you've NEVER had a McRib???? How can you call yourself an American?? LOL! Yep, they're good--and as you can tell, Iwanski really likes them. :)

  5. I am so going to buy a McRib tomorrow. I never had one. I am totally about adventure! :)

  6. McManna from Heaven!..The perks keep rollin' in. :)

  7. I've never heard of McRib. But I did eat at McD's on Nov 4 to celebrate voting. It was the first time in over a year (at least)! It didn't taste as good as I remembered it to taste...

  8. I read Iwanski's 2 posts....the McRib has come and gone in Idaho and we must have gotten 3 dozen of them. His post on John McCain was well written and he was right on.....Steve went out to the trash bin and dug out yesterday's paper to keep for whatever.....dust I guess, although having OBAMA WINS on an Idaho paper headline even if the paper only has 4 pages was monumental. there are McCain tears all around our smiles here.

  9. I searched all over Green Bay for a McDonald's that is selling the McRib and not a single location has it! Augh! I will try one though!
