Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Days

Have I mentioned that I’m so so glad that I live in the same city as our new President-Elect?

It really is great to be a Chicagoan at this moment in history. The city’s banners proclaim “Congratulations, Chicago’s Own Barack Obama”—and I get all giddy when I see that.

Of course, I’ve always loved being a Chicagoan.

I remember when Iwanski and I decided to move here, and I wasn’t sure what it would be like to live in such a big city—let alone live right in downtown! But right now I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

Chicago has such an electricity to it—it’s an “aliveness” that gives you energy and hope. And yet, there is a “homey-ness,” too—a friendliness that makes you feel like it’s okay to have a chat with a perfect stranger. It makes me feel exhilarated as I walk down the street and across the Lake Street bridge to work…and it makes me feel comforted to know that if I slipped and fell on some ice in the winter, a random stranger (or two) would stop to see if I was okay. I just know this is true.

I’ve been to other big cities, but I just haven’t quite felt that sense of friendliness that I have in Chicago.

Of course, just like anywhere, there are people in Chicago who are selfish, mean, or even violent.

But I have to say that it’s very rare that I come across those people. Most Chicagoans that I’ve met have an easy, friendly way about them that is comforting to my soul.

And now, our President-Elect is from this city. And so far, from what I’ve seen, he seems pretty friendly, too. He really seems like a man of the people.

And we Chicagoans are still celebrating. Even though we are slowly getting back to our normal non-election-obsessed lives, we still have that ecstatic thought once in a while that from our very own city came the man who will be the next leader of our country.

And that’s pretty damn good.

One more thing—I feel compelled to share with you Iwanski's newest photo set. I think it captures this moment in Chicago very beautifully.

Happy days are here again…


  1. I love Chicago too and I don't even live there!

  2. Sounds like a extra-great time to live in Chicago!!!

    btw-I kinda know how you feel-I think I can speak for all NYers when I say that we were pretty proud when our Gov. was caught up in a *call girl situation* & had to resign...Yep. Pretty proud. NOT.

  3. I was in Chicago about a year ago and it was a very cool city. The homeless people are very nice.

  4. I really miss Chicago these days because it is a great place to be. When I first went to IU and people would ask where I was from. I would reply "Chicago." They would say which suburb? "No No, I am from Chicago - not the burbs." Now, I live in the real boonies...Fatlanta.. what are we thinking?

  5. I love visiting Chicago and always have a wonderful time.
    You are right about the friendly people..when my BF was there installing a trade show, he said there were really friendly "ladies" that called to him on the street. =)

  6. I've only been to Chicago once and I was a snotty teenager at the time. I gotta get back and check it out now as a less snotty adult. Loved the art museum. Oh and saw my first flasher on a street corner. I laughed like mad and he closed his coat. Teehee

  7. I've only ever been to the airport in Chicago,on layover,but the Obama and Iwanski clans make a good impression!

  8. I ADORE Chicago. Bing, Liv and I go almost every year for Christmas to visit our friends, Vince and Thuan who live in the city too.

    It is so gorgeous at Christmas time.

  9. You are so right. There is something about Chicago that is hard to find in other big cities. I told Daisy's Dad the other day that we are so lucky to live in Chicago (even though we are in the burbs!!).
    The people are friendly and no-nonsense. We have wonderful diversity in art and culture. And now we have a great pride in our president-elect Obama!
    We are blessed!
