Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Adventures in Flambéing

Tonight, Jonathan and I had an flambéing adventure...it was fun!

P.S. The food--Julia Child's Steak au Poivre--was sooo good. I highly recommend that you all ask one of your best friends to cook it for you.


  1. I had a wonderful time!! Let's do it again!

  2. Awesome!
    The first time I tried to flambe I somehow sloshed the mixture across the stove-top onto the counter. My entire kitchen was flambeing It was just a bit too exciting.

    I assume that was weight watcher approved butter.

  3. That Jonathon.... a man of many talents. The best my friends can muster up is dogs and burgers on the grill.

  4. I think I like your idea of having someone else cook for me. I'll bake the cookies and dish the desserts, the rest goes to someone else, Miss HP.

  5. If that had been me...the house would have burned down. Just sayin'....
