Friday, August 13, 2010

Time's Fun

Recently, Iwanski and I did some travels through parts of Illinois and Indiana--which, of course, are the two most exciting states in America. And we also accidentally ended up in Michigan...but more about that later.

Along the way, we took in some fun tourist sites, a lot of Mother Nature's beauty, and also some of her destruction.

We saw some crazy flooding…

We saw some beautiful nature at Starved Rock State Park in Illinois…

And some in Tinley Park, Illinois…

And we accidentally ended up in Michigan after searching for “Oink’s”…

(On the way to the Indiana Dunes State Park, we saw a sign for a business that said it was "five miles ahead, across the street from Oink’s—so I made Iwanski drive five miles to find out what Oinks was. As we got closer and closer to Oink’s, we suddenly saw a Michigan welcome sign. We were accidentally in Michigan!—and all because of Oink’s.)

It was a relaxing, fun, funny time...and I can't believe it's August 13th already!!

Sigh...I would like now to quote a line from the movie Short Circuit (I'm such a nerd; I love that movie!), "Time's fun when you're having flies."


  1. I would feel so at home at a place called Oinks!

    Your time out looks like it was great fun!

  2. I love adventures like this. We don't do them as much since the kids (they bore easily) but DH & I love to just drive and see where we end up.

  3. There are all sorts of wonderful places in some very out of the way places. Glad you found some of them.

  4. I love your ramblings and travels, and Oinks sounds like a place I'd love!!

  5. ....and you had what at Oink's??? Got the it already.

  6. So, did you try some of Oink's ice cream? I would not have been able to resist.

  7. Oinks ice cream..that sounds yummy.

  8. I love the picture of the Cranes!..Or Egrets,..or Herons..
    I accidently ended up in Oklahoma one time.
    It was the 70's,and Peyote was involved.
