Monday, June 7, 2010

Mistaken Identity

About three times a week, I get a voice mail on my cell phone for “Jackie Rasha.” Who is Jackie Rasha, you ask? Well, apparently Jackie Rasha is the subject of a search by a collection agency—and it seems that I have her old cell phone number.

When I first started getting these messages, I did my due diligence and called back the company to let them know that I was not, in fact, Jackie Rasha. However, the calls never stopped, so I finally just gave up and accepted the fact that the company doesn’t seem to care, since they obviously think I am her. At some point I even started wondering, maybe I am Jackie Rasha.

Anyway, the voice mail usually starts with the name “Jackie Rasha” in this funky computerized voice that sounds really drawn out—like “Jaaaaaaaaaackie Rrrrahhhhhhsha.” For some reason, I find that voice really funny. So of course, I started calling Iwanski “Jackie Rasha”—especially when he does or says something that I consider silly.

Then Iwanski started calling me Jackie Rasha. Now, we call each other Jackie Rasha on an almost daily basis.

The other day, we were walking down the street, calling each other by Ms. Rasha’s name—and I said to Iwanski, “What if someday we’re calling each other Jackie Rasha, and the real Jackie Rasha walks past and hears us saying her name?” What would she say? What would we say?

Just in case that ever happens, we should probably stop calling each other by her name.

But I’ve gotten pretty used to saying it, and the computerized voice is just so damn funny.

Oh Jackie Rasha, you have no idea how much your name has amused us.

And I’ll bet you all had no idea how little it really takes to amuse Iwanski and Miss Healthypants.


  1. for the 3 or so years I worked at the big bad evil, my outlook and random places on my computer listed me as denitra harris. that name is now my alt ID. so much random joy in this life..

  2. You 2 really are easily amused. You make me laugh.

  3. Just use her initials, JR. People will just think you are "Dallas" fans.

  4. Now I want to get a cat and name it Jackie Rasha.
    Dang. . .

  5. well you have half my name right..ha

  6. I can beat that story. A couple of years ago, we kept getting calls from men in the wee hours of the morning and all day and night asking for Rasheeda. We would assure the person that we weren't her but the men would accuse of constantly of "hiding her" from them.

    During the school year, Bing had a student whose mother was named Rasheeda. She was a real character, very vivid personality, liked to party and once got into trouble with the law because she threw a whiskey laden party for her son's 16th birthday party. Bing mentioned to her once at a parent teacher meeting that we get lots of calls for a Rasheeda. The woman asked her what her number was and Bing told her. She burst out laughing and admitted that she gave that number to men in bars who wanted her phone number and she wasn't interested. Her number was our number inverted. ( 567-9876 =567-6789) Now, how weird is that? Bing did ask her to kindly stop and she did....
