Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Miss Randompants

Right now, Iwanski is watching the 80’s movie “Just One of the Guys.” I don’t know why, but that movie is always fun to watch. Maybe it’s just the 80’s nostalgia…or maybe it’s everybody’s favorite “girl passes for a guy” storyline. Either way, it’s really hard for me to concentrate on writing this blog post right now, while Terry (the girl dressed as a guy) is trying to talk like a guy and says, “How ‘bout another brewski, okay?” Too funny!


Work has been going really well lately, and I had a great performance review this week. Now we’ll see how that equates into salary…hopefully it equates well!


I’ve been doing a lot of yoga and pilates lately, and I’m feeling really good! I’m sleeping really well, too. (Now that I said that, I’ll probably toss and turn all night tonight!) I really love the yoga and pilates classes at Millennium Park on Saturday mornings. I can’t believe I get up early every Saturday now, but when I’m lying in savasana (relaxation pose) with my eyes closed, listening to the sounds of the city and the birds chirping, I just feel sooo relaxed and happy. Finally I found something that’s better than sleeping in!


I love how Facebook gets you closer to famous people. Like recently, I read the wonderful book “The Happiness Project (Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun).” I was so inspired by the book that I “Facebooked” the author (Gretchen Rubin) and posted a message to her, thanking her for her insightful and inspirational words. Just a few minutes later, I got a message back from her, telling her that she was glad I liked it! I thought that was pretty cool, especially considering the fact that she gets tons and tons of messages from her readers every day. I enjoyed my little interaction with a best-selling author.


Lately, Iwanski and I have really gotten into the t.v. show “Arrested Development.” We never watched it while it was in first-run episodes on t.v., and I cannot BELIEVE how hilarious this show is. It really is such a brilliant show, and I’m so surprised (and upset) that it only lasted three seasons. The writing is fantastic, all the actors are amazingly funny and talented, and as a bonus, Jason Bateman is SUCH a cutie. (Love him!) Last night, Iwanski and I watched the last few episodes on Netflix, and I swear, I almost shed a few tears over it ending. However, there are rumors of an Arrested Development movie coming out sometime soon, so I was consoled by that thought.


Speaking of TV shows, the 12th (yes, 12th!) season of the reality show Big Brother starts next week, and I can’t wait! Iwanski doesn’t want people to know this (so don’t tell him I told you!), but we watch Big Brother every year—and every year, Iwanski tells me that he’s not going to watch it this year—but I know better. He just can’t resist the allure of watching a bunch of confrontational idiots locked together in a house for the better part of a summer—and neither can I! So freakin’ fun.


And last, but certainly not least, yesterday was Iwanski’s and my 14-year wedding anniversary…and I couldn’t be happier. What could be better than being married to your very best friend? The last 14 years have flown by, and I feel so lucky to be married to the brilliant, loving, creative, talented, and hilarious Iwanski.

Aren't we the cutest couple ever????


  1. You two are just too cute! Love that movie (One of the Guys). Hope the job comes through with some cash. DH got his review MONTHS ago and the cash keeps getting promised "soon."

  2. Congratulations! You two look adorable.

    And now I've added Arrested Development to my ever expanding Netflix Queue.

  3. Happy Belated anniversary!!
    Your life sounds happy, centered and fab!!!
    Hope the review leads to a great raise!

  4. I really like that picture of you two! I especially like how I can see your eyelashes Carla! Even with your goofy grin you look so damn pretty!

  5. Happy anniversary!

    I miss blogging too. What different days these are. And funnily enough, back when you wrote this, I would have never dreamed I would become a Big Brother junkie. I HATED "reality" TV. And here I am today not just watching the show 3 days a week, but also watching the feeds while they sleep(!!!!!), following it on Instagram to keep up on the details and reading the blogs. :-)
