Thursday, May 20, 2010

There Will Be Blue Moon Beer and Episcopalians…

This weekend, my bestest girlfriend Diane is coming down to spend some time here in good ole’ Chi-town.

We’re planning on doing some girly stuff like shopping, and some human stuff like eating and drinking…I have a feeling that we’ll be consuming several Blue Moon beers!—unless, of course, Jonathan decides to make his famous watermelon daiquiris (always a favorite).

Oh, and also, we’re going to an Episcopalian church. Jonathan sings with a bunch of Episcopalians in a church choir every Sunday, and this Sunday, we will be there to cheer him on. Hmm…I wonder if you can actually cheer, out loud, in an Episcopalian church? Maybe I should test it out and see how it goes over. Nah, then again, maybe not. We wouldn’t want Jonathan to be all embarrassed…or would we? (Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…)

Who knows what the weekend will bring? Regardless of what happens, I’m sure we will have a fantastic time and laugh a lot. We always do.


  1. Sounds fun. I would cheer if I were you. What are they gonna do? Kick you out?

  2. We Episcopalians get loud after we've drunk lots of Blue Moon.

  3. Sounds great to me. Watermelon daiquiris and a choir. I doubt Episcopalians would kick you out for cheering. Wouldn't they just glare in disapproval until you self combust?

  4. Sounds like a plan for a wonderful weekend. Here's to a fabulous time (as I hold up my make believe watermelon daiquiri to toast you)!

  5. I'm pretty sure Episcopalians enjoy a good cheer.
    Have fun!

  6. sounds lovely.
    Some of my best friends are Episcopalians. As Jonathan said, after a Blue Moon they cheer cheerily.
