Tuesday, April 20, 2010

That Kind of Day

Did you ever have one of those days where nothing is really wrong, but everything seems really wrong? A kind of day when the slightest irritation makes you want to smack someone in the face?

That was the kind of day I had today.

And so now, I am having a beer.

The end.


  1. Beer is good. I could reach for the chocolate right now, but won't. Must drink water and pretend it is chocolate. Or wine.

  2. Oh I understand too! Hope you got some good rest last night and that today is a better day. Love you!

  3. Been there - done that. My husband recognizes the look and avoids me when I get like that. Even the dogs get a little skittish.

  4. i'd rather smack somone in the head..

  5. Yellowdog said what I was gonna say..
    And then I'd have a beer.
