Friday, April 30, 2010

I Need To Get Out There!

It’s Friday afternoon, I’m on my lunch break, and my coworkers look like they’re about to spring out of their chairs and run straight for the door. Why? Because it’s April 30th today, and it’s sunny and 83 freakin’ degrees outside! Hell, I’m about to spring out of my chair and run straight for the door!

I told one of my coworkers that our company should have at least five mandatory “warm spring days off”—so that when the weather is sunny and reaches over 75 degrees, we can all run for the hills (or to the suburbs, in some cases—or to one of Chicago’s city parks, in my case) and enjoy a lovely spring day off.

Have I mentioned that I love this weather?

Sigh…springtime in Chi-town. Life is good.


  1. I love sunshine. It warms the soul.

  2. rain here....still....days of it....more to come.

  3. Beautiful here too. Rain this weekend. But it's the nice warm rain of spring.

  4. I'm pretty sure taking 'mental health' days off from work is in the Bill of Rights someplace. ;)

  5. I felt the same at work on Friday, but I had been off on Monday, so had to bite the bullet and stay put. was tough.

  6. Whenever you need a dose of warmth, come on down. It was in the 90's this weekend. Great pool weather but not so good for my census job!
