Monday, January 18, 2010

Cadbury Bunny + Hee Haw Theme Song = Massive Silliness

The other night, Iwanski was watching Hee Haw, and just for fun, I pressed the sound activation on the little stuffed Cadbury Bunny I had received as a gift.

All of the sudden we noticed that the bunny's clucking was almost perfectly matching the tone and rhythm of the Hee Haw theme of course we had to record it!

I hope you enjoy this--we sure did! (And yes, that's my hand moving in time with the music to keep the bunny clucking.)

Sometimes it's the little silly moments that make life worth living.


  1. OMG! I laughed my hinder off! I love your dork-i-ness! :)

  2. I don't know which is funnier, watching Hee Haw or discovering the similarities with the bunny!!!

  3. I like your rhythm and keeping the bunny in sync!

  4. That is jut about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

    Next time I'm over, we'll have to make up a really silly dance to accompany this.

  5. I love it!..You kids are havin' all the fun. :)

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  7. Stop it.... oh please.... can't stop laughing.

  8. It is a million silly happy moments strung together that make a happy life.
    Thanks for my morning giggle
