Saturday, December 12, 2009


I now have a pink Snuggie! Hooray!

My best girlfriend Diane got me a Snuggie for Christmas. She also got me a bunch of spiritual/metaphysical books (yay!) and a Walgreen’s refrigerator magnet (I may have mentioned this before, but I love Walgreen’s). Does Diane know me, or what? What perfect gifts for me!

Anyway, as I sit here typing this blog post, I am all snuggly-warm in my Snuggie—with my hands free to type or to take a drink of water or to pet my cat Autumn, who is hovering nearby.

I love my new Snuggie!


  1. I am soooo jealous! That looks so cozy. And pink!

  2. OK, now that I know someone who has one of these, I need to ask. How do you keep your hinie warm? I mean, isn't it open in the back, like a fuzzy hospital gown?

  3. I am also jealous. :)

  4. The march of the toys will be replaced by the march of the wife in a Snuggie.

  5. One of my daughters really wants a zebra print one...........@@ I haven't bought it yet.

  6. You look wondermous!
    I can tell from your smile that you are well pleased. :)

  7. We've often thought of just direct depositing our paychecks into Walgreens. I think we plop down a few hundred for meds every month.

    My DramaQueen is dying for a snuggie, and I think her Nana has obliged and we now have one wrapped under the tree. She is going to be one happy girl on Christmas day.

  8. Hahaha..those seem so funny but practical

  9. I got one too and although I was tempted to regift it I have decided to keep it. Everybody I know who has one absolutely loves it. I am adding your testimony to my list in case defense is needed against the Snuggie detractors in my family.

  10. I want to see you cheering in it at a baseball game like they do on the commercials.

  11. You Snuggie people are freaks! Freaks, I tell ya!

  12. I got Steve a "slanket" from QVC....I call it the slut of Snuggies. It took him a year to decide he loved it, but now, every night he is all snuggles up with his slanket. You look adorable...and beautiful in pink....thank goodness for best friends.
