Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Highlights

Christmas always goes by so fast, doesn’t it?

Well, here are some of the highlights of my Christmas (besides the aforementioned bacon jam miracle):

--Seeing the video on Facebook of my 2 ½-year-old niece Nora’s face lighting up as she opened her Christmas present from us (a play dough set complete with probably 10 different colors of play dough, and a bunch of play dough toys). (She pointed at the different play dough toys and said she wanted to play with “this and this and this.”)

--Singing Christmas carols with my good friend Jonathan and doing three-part harmony on “Silent Night” with him, Iwanski, and me.

--My coworker very generously giving me a pair of her winter boots that I had borrowed and loved. (I still can’t believe she gave them to me—that was so nice of her!)

--Arriving at my mother-in-law’s house on Christmas Eve to see the traditional “A Christmas Story” leg lamp lit up in her front room window.

--Enjoying some really good wine with Iwanski’s sister Anna, and chatting and telling jokes with her and his Mom while everyone else enjoyed their hundredth (or so) viewing of “A Christmas Story.”

--Cuddling with Iwanski by the fireplace until it was midnight and officially Christmas Day.

--Looking around Iwanski’s Mom’s kitchen and trying to find out exactly what time it was, only to find that she had four clocks in there, all set to a completely different time. That was hilarious!

--Iwanski pointing out that he wanted to find a book to read in his Mom’s house, but the only books he could find were a bunch of books about gambling and the book “Git-R-Done” by Larry the Cable Guy. (To be fair, she also had “My Life in France” by Julia Child, but she was in the middle of reading that one.)

--Taking presents from the back of Iwanski’s Mom’s van in the church parking lot while she was attending mass there. (They were our presents that we were bringing to his sister’s house, but if a cop came along right then, I’m not sure that he would have seen it that way.)

--Stuffing ourselves silly on awesome appetizers at Iwanski’s sister’s house. (I loves me some Spinach dip!)

--Playing “everything goes” ping pong with Iwanski’s nephews, where ping pong balls hit off walls or off the floor were still within play.

--The “re-used/re-gifted” gift exchange, where Iwanski’s Mom generously gave me a wallet full of half-used or unused gift cards. (It was fun finding out the values on all of them—and I’ve already spent the Sears and the Chili’s gift cards—yay!)

--The white elephant gift exchange/Yankee swap game, where we gave a bunch of kitchen items (including a omelet pan and a can of Cuban Black Beans) that we never used and a foot massager that I rarely used—and where I got a cute teapot & mug and Iwanski got a “how to speak Spanish” computer game, which he really wanted. It’s always enjoyable to find out that another person’s trash is indeed another person’s treasure.

--Singing Christmas songs with Iwanski’s sister while helping her in the kitchen (I stirred the gravy—that’s about the extent of my cooking “talent”).

--Stuffing ourselves silly on turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pineapple souffle, cranberries, green beans and spaetzles, parsnips, corn, rolls, and other dishes that I can’t even think of right now.

--Listening to Iwanski’s uncle talk about his days as a cab driver in Chicago.

--Giving presents to and spending time with the lovely adults and children in the Iwanski family.

--Talking to my Daddy-o and Mamacita on the phone and sharing many of these Christmas stories with my Mamacita. (We sent them Christmas gifts and will be seeing them probably in January or February.)

--And last but not least…getting a second Snuggie! My friend Jonathan got me a leopard print one, which I also love. Here’s a picture of him and me in my two Snuggies.

I hope your Christmas was as merry and bright as mine was!


  1. It was the best gravy I've ever tasted. It was chock-full-o-love, the most important ingredient!

    I'm so lucky to have a SIL like you. You rock! (and you look smashing in a Snuggie even if it is just a backward really really soft robe)

  2. one more thing.

    You forgot mashed potatoes. But truth be told, you didn't really forget them because you didn't eat them. (it's ok, I understand your mashed potato aversion)

  3. Your Christmas celebrations sound lovely! I'm glad you've had a good holiday so far! May 2010 be good to you and Iwanski and all the rest of your families!

  4. Merry Christmas, MHP and Iwanski! We miss you so and are so happy that you had a wonderful Christmas.

    We must have a Chicago "holiday" soon... OK?

    With all my love - Sheki

  5. Family is the best gift for Christmas!

  6. Awww, I loved the part about you cuddling with Iwanski to welcome in Christmas morning. That's just sweet. Love the new leopard snuggie. We got snuggies here,as well, though know fun patterns.

  7. I LOVE parsnips!

    One of my most favorite foods.

    You obviously had a pasnip miracle for Christmase.

    I miss you guys. . . .

  8. Sounds like you had an awesome holiday. You are truly blessed, two snuggies....

  9. wow what a great holiday you a leopard snuggie...that is sexy

  10. I LOVE the idea of a wallet full of unused or gently used gift cards!

    My sister once gave me all of her gift cards to Whole Foods (ahe dislikes the store and her then boss always gave them to her.) We had the best groceries for two months...

  11. What a fun Christmas holiday you've been having! I want that pineapple souffle recipe. Sounds wonderful!

    The lack of books thing made me laugh. Iwanski could have just read some book on his laptop. There are zillions of free books thanks to the Gutenberg Project and others.

  12. TWO Snuggies??...Well,that's just decadent!
    You deserve it. :)

  13. Oh, Miss Healthypants, I want to come and join your family, too!

    No one but my kids and me get "A Christmas Story" and it makes me sad.

    Happy New Year to you both.

  14. Wonderful post Carla! It sounds like a wonderful Christmas!
    Lucky you, two Snuggies!

  15. What a wonderful Christmas! Your hub's family sounds like a lot of fun. Pineapple souffle---is it good?
    Best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous 2010.
