Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Struggle Continues...

I want to lose weight.

Doctors say that in order to lose weight, you should eat right and exercise.

So I guess playing around on Facebook for three hours and eating half a box of Strawberry Shredded Wheat cereal isn’t exactly the right plan, is it?

Sigh…I’m off to exercise now.


  1. Shredded wheat is good for you

  2. Oh wonder I am not losing weight

  3. At least it wasn't the chocolate ones.

  4. i lost 65 pounds on the diabetic carbs..just cut down on carbs for 6 weeks and works..

  5. You could try my diet.

    After a well balanced breakfast, eat one piece of chocoalte. Oh.. go ahead, have 2. Do the same thing after lunch. Take a nice leisurely stroll with the dog (or husband). After dinner, have a glass of wine with a wee bit of cheese while watching Big Bang Theory. Hey, it's a half-hour show... you might need more cheese. Go ahead. You know you want it.

    I haven't lost much weight. But I'm really happy. And isn't that what it's all about anyway?

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  7. I think someone needs to invent a laptop holder for the exercycle and treadmill. It is hard to lose weight when the interwebs beckon!
