Thursday, October 22, 2009

Target Rats

And yet another example of how important it is to use correct punctuation...

There are, indeed, no such things as "Target Rats."

I'm sorry for any confusion that my punctuation error caused among my blog buddies...although I'm guessing you may have been thinking of some very creative ideas for what "target rats" might be!


  1. I had all kinds of thoughts...........but see, not being a city dweller I never think of rats the same way you might.

    Great photo!

  2. What has been your weapon of choice?

  3. Is it just me,or is the 'Target:Rats' flyer posted on the pole next to the 'Do not post flyers on pole' sign?

  4. I envisioned women in their mid 30's with oversprayed socailly acceptable hairdo's pushing red shopping carts sniffing through the dumpsters with their menacing rodent noses, whiskers twitching, and then a melee when one spots a duvee half off the regular price.

  5. The sign alone would have been enough to keep me out of that alley.

  6. Haha Sling is thinkin exactly what I was thinking..thanks for clearing things up.

  7. I love Target... it's my favorite store. Especially the dollar spot. That's probably where the rats are going.

  8. The wonderful world of punctuation is an endless source of amusement, isn't it, Miss H?

    I love the book Eats Shoots and Leaves - assume you are familiar with it as well?

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