Monday, September 7, 2009

Castle Blanco

During every weekend for the past two years, Iwanski has tried to get me to go to White Castle for lunch…but I have always refused based on the Healthypants Principle.

Recently, I finally relented, and we took the half-hour train ride to the Thorndale stop on the red line—and then walked four blocks to the friendly neighborhood White Castle.

There, we indulged in cheeseburgers, jalapeno cheeseburgers, pulled pork sliders, chicken rings, onion rings, and fries. Not at all healthy, but the yummiest freakin’ food on the planet. I especially enjoyed the pulled pork sammich and the chicken rings—fan-freakin-tastic!

Hmm, I have this feeling that it will be much sooner than two years from now when I return to the Castle Blanco.

Screw the Healthypants Principle. That shit is good.


  1. Did you have to? We don't have White Castle here, but we do have Crystals, a very similar joint.

    Crinkle fries rule!!!!

    I am craving this kind of stuff lately. What a mess!

  2. What Lisa said. And I would like a sack to go please.

  3. One of the few things I really miss about my brief stint in the suburbs of Chicago. I really can't believe that stuff hasn't caught on nationwide.

  4. Sounds like a deliciously healthy dinner.

  5. I have never had the real White castle..just what is in the frozen food section at the store. Glad you liked it. anything with jalapeno would be awesome anyways.

  6. One thing from St. Louis and Chicago that I miss VERY much! Krystals can hold no candle to White Castle. Those new menu items you write about are almost worth driving north for.............wonder how far the closest one search!
    Glad you enjoyed them!

  7. Tennessee, in case anyone needs to know!!!

  8. no no no and no...I tried it but....ewwww

  9. Hey, you eat a bunch of salads and drink a lot of water and work out and walk to work and all that? Puleeze...girl needs to get her fry on every once in a while no matter HOW healthy her damn pants are!

  10. I have a vague memory of my big sister working at White Castle when I was a kid,but I haven't seen a single one in Cali for decades,so I just don't know.

  11. White Castle? You? Hmmmm, well if you must indulge I guess it's best to go all the way.

  12. White Castle! When my Dad was dying in the hospital, we snuck a bagful in to him. He was very happy.

    Health care reform must include a slider provision.

  13. I had never tasted White Castles until I was in Philadelphia and a friend took me there. I was immediately smitten.

    We get the frozen White Castles here on the prairie but it can't touch the real deal.

  14. Steve loves, enuh. We can only get them in the frozen food section but are stocked up and will get more for winter.....quick meal that I don't have to "cook" I cook anyway.
