Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not My Definition of Easy

OK, so it’s now Tuesday, and I did a workout on Saturday on my new Wii EA Active Sports game.

So why am I STILL sore??

Well, apparently I’m not as healthypants as I thought I was!

I really like my new Wii exercise game—especially the sports moves (like in-line skating, volleyball and basketball moves, etc.)—but the workouts in this game seem to me to be about fifty times harder than the Wii Fit.

Case in point: I did the first 20-minute “easy” workout on the game. Easy, they call it? To me, any workout that combines running, squats, and lunges (among other exercises) is not an easy workout! Of course, it probably didn’t help that I did like 75 lunges before I finally figured out how to do them correctly to register as “completed.” Hmm, that could be why I’m so sore…

And then there was the six-mile walk that Iwanski and I did on Sunday. That probably didn’t help, either.

I wasn’t sure if I’d even be able to get out of bed yesterday morning.

But I did, and today I even managed to do an hour of yoga. Yay me!

Maybe tomorrow night I’ll try the Wii EA Sports Active again.

But this time, I think I’ll design my own “easy” workout. You know, one that doesn’t leave me so sore that to go to the bathroom, I have to hover over the toilet seat and then basically fall back onto it.

I’m not so much a fan of that.


  1. I'll have to let my daughter know about this one. She's always looking for something to switch up her routine ~ of course then I'll have to listen to her moan.. hee hee

  2. Ouch! I told you I was doing good on the wii fit for about two weeks, then it moved me up to all these advanced levels and I was hurtin'.......and alas, I haven't really been back.
    Stretch it out!

  3. Poodle! Hovering over the toilet and plopping down - - that is TOO funny!

  4. The Active is fun, I am still doing it. I have it on hard though and I still feel like they move a little slow for me. I also went and got a better stretch band the one it comes with is crappy. You have to trick the dam thing every now and then too cuz sometimes I will be running my ass off and it shows me walking but I found a way to make it work.

  5. Oh I sooooo hate those perky people on those workout videos that work out for an hour without sweating or losing their breath. Now you tell me that they come in game/computer form. We'll never escape...

  6. Happy belated birthday dear blogger friend. Sounds like it was a good one. Exercise...ya I do it.....I vacuum every day. Oreckersize!

  7. lunges...worst...exercise...ever...ohhhhhhhhhhh...you pay the price!!!

  8. 'No pain..No Gain!'..and
    'Feel the burn!'..and..
    Oh hell with it.
    Where's my beer?

  9. I totally get the toliet plop thing -- currently in that situation now. I think I even close my eyes and bite my lip as I go down too.

  10. Damn, when did video games become so demanding.. :)

  11. For some reason I can not add a coment under the "cleaning" posting, so I came to this one. Anyway, I too will be sitting around in our apty & then all of the sudden feel the overwhelming NEED to clean everything! My poor BF thing it's a disorder....I wonder if there is a support group for it?! You and I should start one!

  12. Thanks for stopping by! I am sad that Ms. Cho will not be at the event in Atlanta but as you saw in the pic on our posting we got to meet her & hang with her, so thats cool. I think I found you though reading other blogs & catching your cute comments!

  13. If you can't do Wii Active and I can't do Wii Active, does that mean I've somehow gotten as fit as you???? Fab.

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