Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birthday Worm

On Friday, I will be turning a whopping thirty-six years old.

Thirty-six!—yikes! Where has the time gone????

But I will say that overall, I am happier now that I’ve ever been in my life.

I am married to my favorite person in the whole world, we both enjoy our chosen career paths, and I have many wonderful family members, friends, and blog buddies.

And now, I have something even more.

I have my very own Bookworm game.

And even better, it’s “Bookworm Adventures”! What could that mean? What possible adventures might await me in Bookworm-land?

Thanks to my sister Sheri, I will soon find out.

And I’m pretty sure that I won’t be leaving the house for the next several days.

I can’t wait!


    Have tons o' fun in Bookworm Land,but be careful!..maybe you should wear a helmet.

  2. You and "my" favorite person in the whole world ~ my hubster, share a birthday! I hope yours is a great one!

  3. Happy Birthday! very cool about the bookworm..I am still not going to try it I dont want to get sucked in to the cult.

  4. Happy Birthday! Be sure to come out of your bookworm daze once in awhile.... don't know what I'd do without a regular MHP blog post.

  5. Trying to think...when I was 36, I was still not sure what I wanted or who I wanted it with. I was just starting to realize that I was drinking and partying way too much.

    I think you are far more grown up than I was at 36....

  6. Let there be cake! with worms.

    Happy birthday, MHP! I'm glad to know you.

  7. Happy Birthday my little baldie!
    I love you lots!

  8. I was going to be a really good and thoughtful friend and buy the worm game for your birthday when I read your blog a while back.

    But then I figured that someone as nice and lovely as you has LOTS of thoughtful friends who would all love to give you the worm game for your birthday. I knew someone would beat me to the punch so I said screw it.

    Happy Birthday, Poodle!

  9. Happy Birthday(one day late) May you have a wonderful year ahead, I love how you are so happy and upbeat, much to be thankful for.
    Lucky girl, or oh well there she goes playing that belching worm word game again!!! I love bookworm, I even love how the worm tells me the meanings to the odd words I fall into.

  10. Happy Birthday!!! (only two days late) May you have much wormy goodness coming your way!
