Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Somehow, I Got Stuff Done

Today I had a bad backache and—well, let’s just call it lady problems!—so I decided to work from home.

So at 8:30 this morning, I settled into our comfy recliner, turned on the laptop, and was blissfully unaware of the challenges ahead. Here is what I learned.

Challenge #1 – Iwanski is funny. Really funny. So if you really want to get some work done, you need to tell him to go for walk. A long walk. And ask him ever-so-sweetly if he’ll stop at the store and get you your list of 15 healthypants items so that he’ll be gone for a really long time.

Challenge #2 – The cats are cute. Really cute. So if you hear one of them snoring contentedly in a high-pitched feline snore, you must resist the urge to get up and pet her belly.

Challenge #3 – The cats are stinky. Really stinky. So when one of them drops a deuce in the litter box while you’re trying to work, be sure to throw open the balcony window immediately before you literally have to stick your head out the window in order to get a breath of fresh air.

Challenge #4 –When you have the window closed and you’re under a thick snuggly Cubs blanket and the laptop has been on your lap for several hours, you are in extreme danger of overheating. Open that window immediately! (See aforementioned window-opening.)

Challenge #5 –AKA “I Hate Computers”—Do not assume that just because you’re able to do a simple task while you’re working in documents at work, that you’ll be able to do the exact same task when working at home. This could also be called the “Miss Healthypants Wastes Fifteen Minutes Trying To Figure Out Why She Can’t Copy and Paste from One Document to Another” challenge.

Yes, it was a slightly challenging day. But despite its challenges, I actually got a whole bunch of work done. Because there was one challenge that was missing from my day—other people.


  1. Wait a minute....your cats make smellies? Hum..

    "I actually got a whole bunch of work done. Because there was one challenge that was missing from my day—other people."

    Question....your cats aren't people? Hum...

  2. I hope you stayed in your pj's all day because a work day at home is not complete without that unkempt look.

  3. Wow I wish I could stay home from work...and work but I know I would just want to cuddle with Homer all day..get nothing done.

  4. Why can't you copy and paste from one doc to another?..I would have just given up and watched TV.

  5. I need to get my work laptop fixed so that I can work from home again! :) Of course my dog expects me to play with the whole time.

  6. I can never work from home, ever. With all my books calling me? I can't even bring a book to work with me to read over lunch. I end up sneak reading it when I should be reading files.

  7. ahh...I started working from home a few months ago & just realized that my boss is getting way more bang for his buck this way. It's amazing how much MORE work you can get done from home, isn't it?

    Hope you're feeling better!

  8. I tried working from home a few times last year and was mostly unproductive due to your reason #5. I would also like to add reason #6, proximity to bed = urge to nap.
