Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Greatest Love of All

Today at work, I suddenly realized that I was writing with THE BEST PEN IN THE WORLD.

Writing with the pen was like conducting a fluid symphony...every stroke flowed from my fingers like the notes of a Mozart sonata…it felt wonderful.

Yes, in case you're wondering, I have, indeed, lost it. But hey, you gotta take your simple pleasures where you can get ‘em.

The worst part is, I have no idea what brand of pen this is, so that I may procure more of this exquisite writing instrument. It is a simple black pen with absolutely no markings or writing on it--it doesn't even have a cap.

I have no idea where I got it, so I won’t be able to get another one. That makes me sad.

Somehow I've managed to be sad about a pen.

I have reached the pinnacle of nerddom.


  1. Oh - I become attached to pens. Just today I went into my boss's office after he left for lunch and retook the pen he'd borrowed from me an hour earlier.

    I feel your pain, too.

  2. Hide it from the Pen Thieves!!! Our office has lots of them.

  3. I have my favorite pens...but I dont write with them cause I dont want to lose them.

  4. post a picture of it.... maybe someone can ID it for you!

  5. LOL - I read the first sentence and immediately thought - how long until she loses it..... not long, apparently. I do that all the time. BTW - re your last post, I ma trying to convince my husband that a woodchuck would make a good pet, sort of a cross between a ferret and a dog. He's not buying it.

  6. Not such a nerd. I was hoping you'd post a picture of it so I could try to find one to write with too!

  7. I know very well how important it is to have just the "right" pen!
    Can you believe that I still have the pen grippy cushion thingie that you gave me eight years ago?

  8. I am very anal about my pens, too. I don't let anyone borrow them. I may have a pile of 4 or 5 pen at my desk and a kid will ask to be borrow a pen. I will flat out tell them that I don't have one.

  9. First of all, to Anon... MHP LOST the pen. How can she post a pic of it?

    Second, I have a weird attatchment to my pens too. My favorite pens are those pens that have 4 colors, some people call them "nurse pens". They are totally from the 70's but I LURVV them.

    It's so nice to know that I am so not alone in my weirdness.

  10. I call my favorite pen 'Doodles'.
    Does your pen have a name?..No??
    ..and you call yourself a nerd.

  11. In September I fell in love with gel pens! They are the best! Next, I like blue Bic medium ball point pens. I use those for journal writing.

  12. Funny, I've felt that way about pens and some pencils. Right now I'm rather attached to a paintbrush.

  13. Oh I so get this! No how did you lose your favorite pen?? That is like....bad.
