Tuesday, March 17, 2009


My Mom’s 75th birthday was this past week.

A year or so ago, I started calling her Mamacita. I have no idea why, but now whenever I talk to her, she’s always Mamacita. I guess I just like having nicknames for my parents.

I mean, most people call them “Mom” and “Dad”—but Mamacita and Daddy-o just sound more fun, don’t they?

Anyway, I digress.

What can I say about my Mamacita? Well, the thing I love the most about her is that she is just so sweet. When I was a young’un and had lots (and lots and lots) of growing pains, my Mom was always there for me, with her wonderful listening ear and comfy shoulder to cry on. I can’t even tell you how many times she comforted me when I was sad over being picked on at school, or heartbroken over my boyfriend breaking up with me.

And the thing I remember most that she would say to me often was, “It’ll all get better someday soon.”

And you know what? She was right. It all got better. Now I rarely get picked on (except sometimes in a good way), and I am in a more loving relationship than I could have ever dreamed of. And even though I still have my occasional bad days, her words always echo in my head “It’ll all get better someday soon.” Because it always does, doesn’t it?

My Mamacita is also a wonderful baker. I’ve mentioned before her lazy daisy bars, but those are only the tip of the iceberg. Between her delicious crispy chocolate chip cookies and her cold, creamy strawberry freeze dessert and her sweet and tangy rhubarb torte, we never were at a loss for yummy treats in our house.

And even nowadays, whenever we get together with my parents, my Mom always has her chocolate chip cookies (my favorite!) on hand. I love that.

And Mom never forgets to send a card for her sons’ and daughters’ birthdays, anniversaries, or even on Valentine’s Day. She’s just so thoughtful like that.

Whenever I think of what being a good mother is, I think of my Mamacita. She is kind and sweet and the kind of mother that always has chocolate chip cookies on hand.

Mamacita, sorry this is a little late, but Happy Belated Birthday! Thank you for being such a wonderful mother, and love you lots!!


  1. Happy Birthday Mamacita!
    Three quarters of a century..That's no small feat. ;)

  2. Hey MHP -- the next time Mamacita is in town, or the next time you go to visit, I would be happy to pick on you so that you could re-live old times... ;)

  3. Very sweet of you to share that with us..HAppy Birthday to your Mommy!

  4. Happy birthday to your Mamacita! I love that you call her that!

    I'm going to remember that thing with the chocolate chip cookies. They are our kids' favorites, too. Can you imagine the three of them in a few years ages 35, 31 and 28 fighting for their share of the dough I'm programmed to hold back because that's what they like best?

  5. What a great mamacita you have! Happy birthday Mom!

  6. This was a lovely post! I love my mom too, she is now 81, and slowing down a bit, so she does miss the occasional card but she is so generous and loving when we go visit or she comes to FL.

    Happy birthday to your Mamacita!

  7. This is too funny-out of nowhere, my youngest started calling me mamacita a few months ago!

    Happy Birthday to the Original Mamacita!!
