Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Miss My Blog Buddies!

Man, I have been sooo busy at work this week. I haven’t been able to do half the stuff I’d really like to be doing (you know, like drinking beer and passing out on the couch, stuff like that).

But you know what I miss most? Reading all the great blogs of my wonderful blog buddies. I miss all you beautiful people! But soon, I will be taking a little mini-vacation, and I will curl up with my laptop and soak up all of your blogs and find out what’s going on in your little corners of the world.

Until then, know that I am thinking of you. I want to know:

--If Iwanski will forgive me for writing this blog at work instead of coming home on time.
--How Sfoofie is enjoying her new home and somewhat new job
--How Buck is enjoying the extremely exciting Illinois countryside
--If it’s still snowing sometimes in Rainey’s city—or merely raining (Rainey must like rain—ha!)
--How Danny Wanny and his lovely wife are enjoying the suburban life
--If Citymouse has some new fun rant for us
--If JP will ever be back ? (Waaaaaaaaaaa!)
--If LP Cards fan is liking our new President
--If Boskey/Gilman is still whining about the Superbowl (tee hee!)
--How Mathman’s return to work (post-inauguration festivities) is going
--Everything that is going on in Sling’s life—it’s always entertaining
--If Worms, Puppies, BBQ will ever post again?
--If Daisy’s Mommy/Frugal Zen will ever post again?
--How Barb is handling the recently cool weather in Florida
--If Mary Ruth has spotted any new “bubblers”
--How Rosemary’s pets (especially her poor kitten) and Rosemary herself are doing
--How Greeny is handling this cold winter in the Ozarks
--If Sageweb has any more adorable pictures of her dog
--How Leah is handling the raw food diet (is she sticking to it?)
--Everything that is going on in Maria’s life—she’s a brilliant writer
--What new recipe Kimberly Ann has cooked up for us
--How Lost in Color is enjoying her new home
--What new and I’m sure hilarious stuff can be found on Lisa’s blog

If I’ve missed any of you, I’m so sorry, but have I mentioned before how busy I’ve been? My brain is barely functioning at this point.

Love y’all! Have a great weekend!


  1. It's frickin freezing here ~ but only for one more day and then it's back to the lovely 70's so I'm holding up. Stop by my blog when you can.. I'm doing a give away!

  2. Thanks for thinking of me, MHP. There's been radio silence on my side too due to computer problems. But today I'm up and running...for the moment anyway.
    RE:work...make hay while the sun shines I always say!
    Oh new bubblers to report on.

  3. Work just gets in the way of everything.

  4. Well,..There was that bizarre incident with the ball return at the bowling alley,but no one was critically injured,and it technically wasn't my fault.

  5. I know I'm on the road and each time I get back to check my google reader,the number of unread blog feeds has gone up, up, up!

    Maybe a new word for the vernacular should be a "blog day off." I can see me telling my boss - "I'm taking today off to read blogs."

    To which he'd probably respond "you mean instead of doing it all day when you think I'm not looking?"


  6. OOOO I miss you too... and I feel the same way. What happend to the days when there was time and something to say....

  7. I might be posting naked pictures of Homer this weekend...he has been into streaking lately.

  8. Yes! I LUVS it! and my little doggie thinks I bought it just for her, she luvs it too!

  9. It seems to be so hard to keep up these're not alone. But I like knowing that people are still blogging and they will be there when I get around to it, you know? (And while JP IS done blogging for now he is NOT done showing up just when you open the warned).

  10. thank you for the mention....we are OK...not great but OK is OK for now.

  11. Have a wonderful break and enjoy this batch of fresh, absolutely no-calories, no-transfats, all good cholesterol brownies I baked up just for you.

  12. Barb—as you can see from my blog post above, we were just in Florida for a long weekend. The weather was sooo nice! I can see why you like living there. *smiles*

    Mary Ruth—glad you’re doing well!—but sorry you haven’t seen any new bubblers! *grin*

    Mathman—Amen, brother! You’re preaching to the choir. :)

    Sling—you never fail to make me laugh! LOL!

    Lisa—you’re hilarious! And I’m TOTALLY taking a blog day off tomorrow! *grin*

    Citymouse—it’s just harder to be creative in the cold days of winter, isn’t it? I’m glad to see you’re still hanging in there, though!

    Sageweb—LOL! I like your dog and his free-wheelin’ streakin’ ways! *hee hee*

    Lost in Color—I’m so glad you and your doggie luvs it! *smiles*

    Rainey—I hear ya’, lady! Glad to see you’re alive and well. *smiles* And hey, JP—there’s going to be champang-ya…hello? JP?? Where are you????

    Rosemary—glad you’re okay! I hope when I get a chance to read your blog, I will read that you’re feeling terrific! :)

    Daisy’s Mom—it’s ABOUT time! *smiles*

    Kimberly-Ann—I REALLY need some no-calorie foods right about now! I overindulged in Florida…do you have any recipes for brownies that actually remove calories from your body? *grin*

  13. Did somebody say champagn-ya?

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