Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I've Got the Fever...

It’s lunchtime at work, and I sooo want to go home early today and just CELEBRATE!

I think I’ll go into my boss’s office and talk to him.

Me: “Mr. Bossman, I have to go home early today. I’m sick. I have Obama fever.” (Sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough!)

Mr. Bossman: “Obama fever?—I’ve never heard of it. Is that a new disease?”

Me: “Yep, and I’ve got it! The only cure is lots of rest…and um, celebrating.”

Oh, if only…

This really should be a national freakin’ holiday, don’t you think?


  1. it is an awesome day...how cool that we all get to tell young kids one day that we remember when the first black president was sworn into office..isnt that cool?

  2. Momma says 'Holiday is,as holiday does!'..Cheers!
