Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I have the sneezles today, just like Lorraine’s cat.

And so my thoughts are coming out like that today—sneezy little bursts. Here we go…

One of my favorite Christmas albums is the Partridge Family Christmas Album. Iwanski hates it. So that makes me like it even more. (I LOVE the song “My Christmas Card to You.”)

Is it bad that I’m looking forward to having kids someday, so that I can just send those really easy photo Christmas cards that people with kids send? I do try to be a bit creative in writing out my Christmas cards, but it does get a little old after a while—especially after about the 20th card…

Since my job has been crazy-busy lately and I need to lower my blood pressure, I am learning how to be Miss Peacefulpants by taking breaks at work. I have realized that a) to my surprise, other people take breaks every day! This is NORMAL. Going and going and going without stopping is actually not a good idea, b) I actually get more done when I take breaks, since I am calmer and more organized and centered, and c) It’s okay to not get everything done in one day. These are all good things! But it’s still a challenge for me to take breaks, as I’d rather be Miss Perfectpants and get it all done really, really fast. But I’d rather not be Miss Highbloodpressurepants, so there you go. I am learning how to take breaks.

Life is good. The weather is crappy-cold and cloudy, but I am warm inside my house, gazing at the beautiful lights on our Christmas tree while Iwanski watches Keith Olbermann joke with Allan Havey (a funny comedian) about Gov. Blagojevich’s hair. Ya’ gotta love living in Illinois.


  1. The holiday's will be here soon "who ever pants you are" today. Then all will be good and great.

    I used to like holiday music more when I worked retail. Then some mf stole my Frank Sinatra's Christmas. So some shop lifter on Wabash Ave has had my cd since 94 or 95... OK MM clam down. Boy are the holiday's rough sometimes.

  2. I am very sorry you have sneezles. The Cat seems to be better so I suspect you will be, as well.

    Christmas cards are over-rated. (Said the person who loves to get them but still hasn't written out hers and furthermore, never even thought about the excellent out that a kid photo card affords. (smacks forehead))

  3. You could send Christmas cards featuring your cats.... or is that too creepy?

  4. I hope we're friends years to come -- long enough so that, someday, I can refer to you as Miss Dependspants.

  5. sneezles....take zinc
    cards....not done
    tree...not up
    weather...cold and snow coming
    high BP....not good in someone so young...take 2 or 3 breaks
    warm and cozy inside....yup
    Chicago....nope, Idaho

  6. Sorry to hear about the sneezles. I'm with you on the "do it all now", Ms Perfectpants kind of work ethic. That is a hard habit to break. Are you into tea? I highly recommend it for slooowwwing down.

  7. What IS the story with that dude's hair?

  8. I didn't know that the Partridge family had a Christmas album ~ cool. I'm so old, I actually saw David Cassidy in concert!

  9. Well I hope you feel better soon...I will practice at tetris while your down.

  10. Hope you feel better soon!
    Go ahead and write the same thing in the xmas cards--it is unlikely the individual recipients would see one another's cards anyway.

  11. I love the word sneezles!!..Actually having them,..not so much.
