Friday, December 19, 2008

MHP Happy Day

I took the day off work today and am having a certified Miss Healthypants Happy Day.

First, I got to sleep in a bit. For those of you who don’t know, I REALLY like sleeping. I would sleep twelve hours every night if I could get away with it. On my days off, I usually roll out of bed around 11:30 or so.

But not this morning. Because this morning I had to wake up early enough for the all-important “getting to the lunch buffet on time.” So Iwanski woke me up at 10:30 a.m. (hey, it’s still better than having to get up at seven), and we left for the buffet at 11:30.

That’s another important part of a Miss Healthypants Happy Day. There must be some kind of lunch buffet involved. I loves me a buffet. (I know, really healthypants of me.) Anyway, today, Iwanski and I tried for the first time a Thai buffet that’s a few blocks from our apartment. The food was really good…but the only problem was that they seated us right smack dab next a couple of dudes. I didn’t like that because every time I got up to go to the buffet, I had to squeeze past them and pretty much had to stick my butt right in their faces. (Awkward!) Iwanski didn’t like that because he is somewhat of a shy person—which means that sitting less than a foot away from two complete strangers made him feel kind-of uncomfortable. Nope, I don’t think we’ll be going back there any time soon.

So when we finally broke away from the two dudes, we headed outside for a long walk in Chi-town. That’s part three of a MHP Happy Day—a long walk with Iwanski. Today’s walk included an exciting obstacle course where we had to figure out how to navigate various puddles of snow and slush that were at nearly every street corner. Lucky for me, I had bought boots a couple of months ago, so my feet stayed nice and dry. Unfortunately for Iwanski, he was wearing his $20 tennis shoes (he calls them sneakers) that he bought at Sears. No, those don’t keep out the water so much. So as Iwanski sloshed along in his sneakers, I danced along the sidewalk in my nice warm boots. Poor Iwanski. He really needs to buy him some of those.

So as you can guess, all of the crazy snow and ice that we’ve gotten lately had really started to melt today. Of course, there’s still plenty of it to go around. To illustrate, here’s a picture of me in Daley Plaza, hangin’ out with the snow. I’d say it’s a safe bet that we’ll still have a white Christmas.

After walking amongst the snow and slush for quite a while, Iwanski and I decided to stop in at Dunkin Donuts for a nice hot cup of coffee. (That’s part four of an MHP Happy Day—a good cup of coffee.) Iwanski and I sat by the window and watched the workers and shoppers of America pass by, while we sipped steaming coffee—regular ole’ coffee for Iwanski, and French Vanilla for me. Ahhh….

Now Iwanski and I have returned home and are doing some “internetting” (a bonus on an MHP Happy Day) and are getting ready for Buck to arrive later on for some drinks and a bit of Christmas partying.

Christmas partying with my two favorite dudes—that will seal the deal on this being one of the happiest MHP Happy Days of all time.

Wine and beer will be consumed, and later on I will fall asleep with visions of Thai buffets dancing in my head…and sleep in late tomorrow, hoping for yet another MHP Happy Day.


  1. I'd settle for just one thing on your list...preferably to be able to walk anywhere, or drive anywhere. Sandpoint pretty much shut down this last week...and that was really a good thing. We have lots of idiot drivers here. Steve was forced to drive me into town to the Library for a board meeting that was canceled and whoops someone forgot to call me.

  2. Glad that you had a picture up because it's worth 1000 words and all of them are snow.

  3. Wow! what a great day! Even if you had to stick your butt in someone's face. Do they still have the decorated Christmas windows at whatever-took-the place-of-Marshall Field's?

  4. I think you may have the perfect recipe for a happy day!..except for the whole butt-crunching thing.
    I hope you were able to do the double up today. :)
