Thursday, November 27, 2008

What I'm Grateful For

Waking up next to the love of my life,
Choosing to snooze for just a few more minutes
So that I can feel his loving arms around me
For just a little while longer…

My morning cup of coffee, sipped slowly
As I sink into our comfy “womb-like” recliner…

Feeling strong as I lift weights
And listen to the funny comments
Of the silly morning WGN-news anchors.

My morning walk to work,
Listening to beautiful music
As I cross the bridge over the sparkling Chicago River.

Resolving an inquiry from a concerned donor,
And receiving a lovely voice mail from the person
Expressing her gratitude for my help.

The smiles on the faces
Of my hardworking temporary staff.

My walk home from work,
Listening to uplifting music
As I look up at the Sears Tower
And the twinkling lights of Chicago.

Walking through the door to my home,
Seeing the smile upon my husband’s face
As we kiss and reunite
At the end of a long day.

My occasional exercise sessions with Buck,
Which feel more like fun chat sessions
Than working out.

A delicious grilled-cheese sandwich,
Dipped into a steaming bowl of tomato soup.

Pondering, smiling, or laughing
At the entertaining blogs
Of my incredible blog buddies.

Spending time with family,
Phone calls, e-mails or visits
That make me feel so loved.

Wonderful spiritual conversations
With my best girlfriend Diane.

Long walks with my love
Through our multi-dimensional city
Exploring new neighborhoods
That we’ve never seen before.

Cuddling up next to my husband
As we laugh at both British and American sitcoms.

Letting my hubby take the remote
And falling asleep on the couch
To the sounds of the evening sportscast.

Waking up to the sound,
“Honey, it’s time to go to bed.”

Feeling his arms around me
As I drift into restful sleep…

And dream wonderful dreams
That could never compare
To the incredible beauty in my life.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope that today, you feel yourself surrounded with beauty and love.


  1. Lovely. I hope too that your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

  2. I love our chat sessions as well.

    When we were sick, we always got fed tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches (made with cheddar cheese and mayo - - yum).

  3. Hope you had a good Turkey day!!

  4. Well done kid!..I trust you had a lovely Thanksgiving. :)

  5. Poetry!

    I have been a Chicago fan for years now, ever since I was the recipient of kindness from a stranger there during a visit.

    We'll keep it a secret that the word Chicago means place of the stinking onions, okay?

  6. One way to bring more wonderful things into our life is to be grateful for the things we have no matter how big or how small. I believe that is why we have so many wonderful things in our life! Lova ya, Chicky!

    Grilled cheese made with mozerella and then dabbed with ketchup is the best! :)

  7. Yes, you certainly have much to be thankful for....

  8. I am a bit late....hope your holiday was terrific. You let Iwanski have to remote even when you are asleep? No matter where I sleep, the remote is hidden....under a cushion, my pillow...somewhere out of reach of weirdo Steve who loves shows like Pass Time and Pinks.

  9. I am later than Rosemary because she pushed me out of the way and made me trip.

    Happy belated belated T-day!

  10. Thanks, everyone, for your Thanksgiving wishes and great comments! :)

    Rosemary--I have never even heard of those shows! Craziness! *smiles*
