Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now...

After putting it off for years and years (yep, I can procrastinate with the best of ‘em!), I finally went to the eye doctor today.

I seriously didn’t realize how bad my eyes had gotten. It was so bad that when the eye doctor put up the first eye chart and asked me to read the smallest line I could see, I couldn’t read any of them! He even said, “Really? You can’t even read the top line?” Let me tell you, it’s really comforting when your optometrist acts surprised about how bad your eyes are. At that point I started to get a little worried.

Then he mumbled something about having to go “from a 2.25 to a 3.5” (whatever the hell that means), and I had to ask. “Is that really bad? How high up does it go?” And he replied, “Oh, it goes up to 15” (or some number that made me feel really relieved). Thank God! I wasn’t going blind, after all.

So I purchased some new contacts. And since my old glasses were purchased in 1987 (or sometime around then), I also got new glasses. I had told Buck that I would try to find some cool “Tina Fey” glasses—and although the ones I found didn’t exactly make me look like Tina Fey, I still really like them. They have slightly pink frames—which my girly-girl side LOVES. Hooray!

I’ll have to wait about a week for my new glasses and 1-800-contacts to arrive, but tonight I got to put in a trial pair of my new, stronger contacts…and all of the sudden, the world is so bright and clear! I can now see signs from afar that I couldn’t see before—and now I can once again spot crazy homeless people from a couple of blocks away. This is a good thing!

So overall, it was a good experience. Except for one thing—can someone please explain to me why it costs almost $500 for an eye exam and a pair of glasses? Even with my health insurance discount, it still cost $350! What the heck do people without health insurance do? Not to mention people with no money!

Man, I hope our new President can help with this. I mean, I don’t expect him to solve every problem, but can we please make sure that Americans don’t have to walk around squinting all the time? Is that too much to ask of one of the richest countries in the world?


  1. I know the feeling of seeing things brightly and clearly. Since, I didn't wear glasses I was shocked too. But I don't like wearing the glasses - annoyed.

    I wonder about the cost, too. Mine cost about 175 - no contacts and insurance. Without - probably 350-375.

  2. 3.5?!?!? Wussy. I am close to a 10. And not all contact makers make contacts past 10. My options are running out. I may end up having to have lenses implanted in eyes...I'm not even a candidate for lasix. Last time I got glasses and contacts (a year ago), my damage was about $650. After insurance, it was still $400. Kinda makes me wonder if the Insurance is really worth it....

  3. I got the surgery a few years I am 20/ was the best thing I have ever spent money on. But it was the most terrifying 10 seconds (each eye) of surgery I have ever had.

  4. I can't believe your are headed my way! E mail me so we can chat about places to visit and maybe we can get together for lunch or dinner one day!

  5. you are helping me to think maybe I can go-- I know I am in need--- but it's the whole 41 thing I think

  6. I'm so glad you have your new specs coming.

    And yes, I don't know how most people afford such basics, especially without insurance. Seeing should be an optional thing because of cost.

  7. Yippee! A bright and clear world to see! :) I can't wait to get my eyes checked and to get new glasses. I hope it doesn't cost me that much tho! Last time my exam was 100% paid for plus I got 1 paid for pair of glasses! We actually used to have an onsite optomitrist at my work! Those were the days!!!

  8. Congrats on your spectacular new view of the world kid!
    I was recently forced,kicking and screaming,to get my first pair of bi-focals..SO glad I did. :)

  9. The first thing to go is the eyes....! =)
    You got off last pair (lenses and frames only) was $600. But I make the frames last...these have been 7 years or so. case any old Milwaukee people read your blog....
    "New glasses? Bifocals?"
    "No, by Schuster's"

    (sorry, I had to)

  10. Don't worry too much about half-blind Americans walking around. That is what the Lions Club is for. They are a service organization that helps people, mostly children, who need glasses.

  11. It's kind-of sad that so many of us can relate to the high cost of eye care--that sucks!

    Mary Ruth--sorry, I have no idea what Schuster's is??

    Diane--still, I just don't understand why health insurance doesn't cover eyes or teeth--yet it covers the nose, ears and throat...I think it's so stupid!!!!

  12. is a long-gone department store.

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