Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Feline Public Enemy #1

Iwanski has a new enemy.

She is about a foot tall and weighs about 10 pounds, and her name is Autumn.

Yes, all of the sudden our cat Autumn has decided that she hates Iwanski. And it’s not even that she dislikes him all of the time; in fact, when he is lying down in bed or on the couch, she’ll jump up by him and purr and act all sweet, like she could never harm a fly.

But the minute he stands up or leans over her, she hisses at him something fierce, claws at him, and runs away.

We have no idea why this is.

Why would a cat suddenly hate a human who is nice to her, feeds her, and cleans her litterbox? (God, those cats are lucky!)

And before you start thinking that Iwanski is abusing our cat, just know that it’s so totally not true. The worst thing that Iwanski ever does to the cats is tell them that they’re stinky (which is often quite true).

So what happened then to make Autumn hate him so much?

Could she have had a dream that Iwanski started beatin’ on her?

Could she have imagined that Iwanski attacked her one day and threw out all her canned food?

Iwanski speculates that one day last week, when he sat down on the bed and accidentally almost sat on her, that really freaked her out.

But for a whole week? Do cats really have that long a memory? It seems to me that normally, all these cats remember is the word “hungry,” and what time dinner is. What could possibly have gotten into that cat?

I guess we’ll never know. For now, Iwanski just needs to watch his back, and make sure her claws are trimmed nice and short—because as he has recently discovered, those little switchblade claws can be pretty painful on bare feet in the middle of the night.


  1. I dunno. That Iwanski has a dark side. Maybe she finally figured it out and fears him.

  2. You don't happen to have an Indian burial ground,with a 'Pet Semetary' in the neighborhood do you?
    That might explain things.

  3. She probably heard the threats made to the chicken!

  4. I have a feeling why... but Im going to wait to say anything.... although the chicken thing does sound on the mark

  5. Sleep w/one eye open Iwanksi..
    Cats hold grudges, I'm sure of it. I've been abused by quite a few in my 32 yrs; I figure I must have been a cat-hater in a past life.

  6. Has he grown any unusual facial hair lately? Or has he changed his scent? Or is there a ghost/spirit following him when he stands up? That stuff really freaks cats out.

  7. What did Iwanski say to the chicken?

  8. I'm thinking she has a long kitty kat memory.

  9. Yes, cats do remember....Emma runs every time I pick up the litter rug to shake it out and vacuum.....once she was hiding under there and i stepped on her tail....she hated me for a month. Did Iwanski change his cologne? Start using a different tooth paste? Drakie used to do the same thing to Steve and her greatest get-back for some unknown offense was to jump on his private parts when he was napping on the couch.

  10. LOL!--You all make me laugh! :)

    Lost in Color--you can read all about Iwanski's threats to the chicken at:

  11. I know Autumn is getting kinda old .... ya think maybe she has cataracts and can't see well enough to recognize him when he stands up cuz he so far away?

  12. I'm thinking you just might have a ghost....
