Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Memo from Miss Sicklypants

Dear friends,

Yes, I am once again Miss Sicklypants. My sinuses are swollen to the size of small canteloupes. I’ll tell you, it ain’t pretty.

Anyway, while I spent the day sleeping and trying to breathe (always a fun time!), I had some time to ponder the events of the past weekend.

Last weekend, Iwanski and I had the opportunity to visit the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin, to see my good friend Diane. First on the Friday evening agenda was the grand tour of Chateau Diane. Chateau Diane was in a beautiful residential area with many trees and many nosy neighbors. (As Iwanski and I arrived a bit early—before the arrival of Lady Diane—we were witness to the suspicious stares through a couple of the neighbors’ windows.)

The inside of Chateau Diane was beautiful and also very clean. Oh, to be in a new house! I looked at her pristine carpet and thought about our living room carpet, which is always dotted with a few cat-vomit stains (those damn cats!), and I felt slightly jealous of Diane.) I know, I’ll just have to convince Diane to get a cat. That’ll even the score. (Muh-ha-ha-ha…)

Iwanski, Diane, and I then trodded off for a tour of neighborhood bars. First came “The Bar,” which is apparently the “place to be” in Green Bay. It was loud and smoky with bad music (No, “Cottoneye Joe” by Rednex is not good music!)—the highlight of “The Bar” was when Diane approached a complete stranger and asked him if he had been my first boyfriend (hey, he looked like him!). Of course he wasn’t. Diane loves to embarrass me like that. And then Diane embarrassed both Iwanski and me by beating us both at pool. That was fun.

The next couple of bars were no less smoky, but definitely smaller and more like down-home neighborhood bars. Iwanski and I liked that. We even saw a very drunk guy yelling at a woman in a Chicago Bears t-shirt about how stupid she was for thinking that Obama was born in this country. Yeah, buddy—she's the stupid one.

The next day, we woke up early to a lovely breakfast cooked by chef Diane, and then headed over to her childhood home. Shortly after arriving there, we had a fascinating impromptu course in bee-keeping taught by her very gracious Dad, Hank. Hank owns about 40 bee-hives and after more than 30 years in the business, knows about everything there is to know about bees. We stood next to the hives and watched the bees buzz around as Hank told us tales of the queen bee, worker bees, drone bees, and nurse bees. Honestly, it was quite interesting. Iwanski and I kept asking more and more questions, and Hank was kind enough to answer all of them. Later, we also were entertained by the thick Wisconsin accent of Diane’s mother, who, when giving directions, talked about turning at the “stop and go-ah” lights. They were very nice people who—it turns out—are also voting for Obama. I love to see that!

The rest of the day, Diane acted as our gracious tour guide as we visited many Green Bay sights, including the Wildlife Sanctuary, an oil & vinegar store and a chocolate store (yay!), and of course, Lambeau Field. Oh, how exciting it was to see Lambeau Field. It was so exciting that I almost became a Packer fan again. (Yeah, right! Go Bears!)

Wow, now that I think about it…with all that excitement, I didn’t really get a chance to rest and get my 12 hours of sleep that I normally get on both Friday and Saturday nights. No wonder why I’m sick!

Well, today I slept about 14 hours. I think I made up for it. I should start feeling better soon.

Yours in health (cough, sneeze!),

Miss Sicklypants


  1. Glad to here that the great shrine to Curly Lambeau and those other guys did not take you to the dark side. [ditto] Go Bears!

  2. I swear we all got a cold from that flock of geese! I think they spread nasty germs and viruses in the air when they suddenly decided to take off within inches of our faces.

    Even though nothing really exciting or outrageous happened in Green Bay we simply had a nice time.

    Glad you guys came! :)

  3. Dear Miss Sicklypants,

    So sorry to hear you are ailing. Take three shots of good whiskey, squirt warm salt water up yer nose, and slap on a Breathe-Rite Nasal Strip. Repeat whiskey shots every three hours throughout the weekend and you'll be right as rain come Monday. If you even realize it's Monday.

    Love and Kleenex,

  4. First let me say I hope you feel better soon. Second, sounds like a good time,
    Third --- Speck and I have the same doctor!

  5. I hope you are feeling better, especially after Speck's advise.

    I finally was able to hear the Iwanski/Winter show...but it was the Iwanski/Iwanski show ...great job...cute laugh you have.

  6. I drink whiskey every day,and haven't had a cold in years! least,not that I can recall.
    Feel better soon kid!

  7. Mathman--NEVER!! :) I would never fall back to the dark side and become a Packer fan again. *grin*

    Diane--those damn geese! :) Yeah, we had a good time, too! :)

    Speck--I might forgo your other suggestions and just go straight to the whiskey! You think it'll still help?? :)

    Citymouse--thanks (see whiskey comment above *grin*)!

    Sageweb--thanks a bunch! I really appreciate your kind words. My sister said that my laugh sounded like Peter Griffin from Family Guy. *grin*

    Thanks to you, as well, Sling-o! :) You make me laugh!! :)

  8. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. It's not too far-fetched of an idea that you got it from a flock of birds.
    Try getting a neti pot to irrigate your sinuses--works great. Diane's neighbors aren't nosy..they are watchful. WI people are like that.
    Smoky bars is the other big reason why I won't move back anytime soon.
    Oh yeah, I almost forgot...GoPackGo! =)
