Monday, October 6, 2008

If You E-Mail, They Will Come

It started out as a simple get-together.

Just a few family members, gathered together to celebrate my Grandma’s 93rd birthday.

It ended up as a gathering of almost 30 people, all there to wish Grandma well on her special day.

And they were all there at dinnertime.

My poor mother! Unbeknownst to her, I had e-mailed my Wisconsin siblings, asking them if they might want to see Grandma (and Iwanski and me!) on Grandma’s birthday.

What I hadn’t expected was that not only did they show up, but so did their children, and their children’s children. We had many babies in attendance! Among the children under five years old were:

-A newborn baby
-A 10-week-old baby
-A 7-month-old baby
-A one-year-old baby
-A 3-year-old toddler

So suddenly the house was full of people and crying and gurgling babies. It was really fun—and really loud. But mostly fun.

My Mom looked at the increasingly hungry crowd and said, “I don’t know how everyone knew to come today.”

I giggled and said, “Umm, because I told them.” (This is usually how it happens—I get people to the party, and other people figure out the details. I suppose other people don’t enjoy that as much as I do.)

So I apologized to my mother, who luckily had already had the foresight to thaw some stew meat and start a crock-pot full of meat, potatoes, and veggies.

And somehow, some people decided to bring some other side items and desserts (props to Sfoofie for bringing two big delicious trays of cheesy potato casserole!). It’s actually a potato that I love—of course, the cheese and the sour cream make it really, really yummy—and healthy, too!

There were lots of delicious desserts, too. Since I particularly enjoy fruit desserts, I loved my sister Sheri’s apple crumble (crisp?), too. What’s the difference between a crumble and a crisp? Hmmm…

And how could I forget to mention the guest of honor? My Grandma was so surprised, and tickled pink that everyone showed up to celebrate her special day with her.

We had a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday,” which I asked my Dad to record, for posterity’s sake. (You should hear the way my family harmonizes on the third verse of that song—it sounds pretty awesome.)

What, you didn’t know there was a third verse? Well, my Catholic family has always wrapped up the song with “May the dear Lord bless you” sung over and over again. I like it—especially because I like how my family harmonizes. Daddy sings bass, and Momma sings—er, alto. And there are lots of other altos and sopranos, too. It’s pretty cool.

Yes, we truly are the Brady bunch.

I like being a Brady.


  1. That sounds great how cool for your Grandma to have a birthday party. So where is the recording??? I want to hear.. DId anybody bring peanut butter?

  2. Sounds like a fun party! BTW, I put up a picture for you the other day: RAC Pic

  3. Sageweb--I am hoping my brother-in-law can send me the recording. I'll check with him and totally put it on my blog. :) Also, there was no PB, but PLENTY of cheese!! :)

    Mathman--thanks again for that pic! So funny that I am now associated with RAC in your mind! (Scary! :) )

  4. Well, I don't really associate you with RAC. You (and your blog cast of characters) actually represent my life, if we never had children and stayed in Chicago. On the other hand, my smart-ass side could not resist the bright Neon of that RAC sign.

  5. Now that is what life is about. :)

  6. Oh how wonderful. It would take an act of congress to get together what family we have left. I never even got to meet my grandmother so I'm always envious of those that have em.

  7. What a wonderful way to celebrate your grandma. Those cheesy potatoes must be a WI thing, my sis makes them too.

  8. 'I get people to the party, and other people figure out the details. I suppose other people don’t enjoy that as much as I do'...I'm cracking up!!

    Happy birthday to Grandma,and please post the family chorale ASAP!

  9. Sorry for your mom but props to the rest of you. As for family harmonies, we do a thing with the Doxology that'd make you weep.

  10. What a great party. Your grandma will treasure the memory, as will you all.

  11. Wow that really does sound like a very special day. I'm sure she loved it.

  12. Everyone deserves to be sung to on their birthday....

  13. I'll bet there were LOTS of tyrannosaurus arms.

  14. OK....your family has to come to my birthday because I have no close family here and it is lonely on my birthday and Steve can't sing.

  15. Very cool miss healthypants! Grandmas rule the world!
