Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Moving Days

I have spent the past couple of days moving stuff from my old desk to my new desk at work. (I am finally, officially in my new position as Customer Service Manager.)

Do you know how much crap you accumulate in nine years at an office job? Well, I’ve certainly been finding out. Yesterday, I brought home from work two big bags full of:

--t-shirts and socks (I exercise sometimes during lunch)
--several boxes of different herbal teas that I never think to drink at work (I prefer Vodka)
--several books that I’ve meant to read during lunch but never quite got around to it
--a couple of CD’s I’ve loaned to people and never brought home, and
--about 5000 packets of Sweet N Low (no, I have no idea how that much Sweet N Low ever got into my desk drawer in the first place).

It was pretty amazing to discover what I had in that desk. And in case you’re wondering (although I have no idea why you would), I also ditched about 5 wastebaskets/recycle bins full of crap. Among it was:

--a phone bill that I paid in 2003
--cough drops that were no longer in the wrapper
--several Q-tips scattered wildly about the drawer
--a restaurant menu from a deli that doesn’t serve salads (now why would I ever eat there?)
--a bottle of aspirin that expired in 2005, and
--a pack of extremely stale Big Red gum

Wow. Apparently I’m a slob at work. (Iwanski might tell you I’m a slob at home, too, but don’t believe him. He lies.) But I intend to be more organized from here on out! Because even though it took a while to get through all that stuff, it felt really good to clear out the clutter.

And now I’m so organized! Even though I’m really busy in my new job, it is still pretty great to look for something and actually find it in a LABELED basket or file folder! Wow, what a feeling!

But just check back with me in a couple of months. I’ll bet that I’ll have accumulated plenty more junk—and I’m sure that among that junk will be a couple thousand more packets of Sweet N Low.


  1. vodka at the office??? Now, that's a novel idea, and I want to work in your office. It may help with dealing with co-workers. (you know...take the edge off a little.)
    As for the random socks...they are the ones that escaped from your home washing machine, and left their matching sister/brother behind. (see, I knew there was a sock conspiracy somewhere...those little devils!)

  2. Well I don't know about 9 years in one place. But I moved classrooms after one year and five total in the school. I had a lot of stuff. So I can imagine the u-haul that you needed.

  3. "--a phone bill that I paid in 2003
    --cough drops that were no longer in the wrapper
    --several Q-tips scattered wildly about the drawer
    --a restaurant menu from a deli that doesn’t serve salads (now why would I ever eat there?)
    --a bottle of aspirin that expired in 2005, and
    --a pack of extremely stale Big Red gum"

    MacGyver would have made a combination flying earwax cleaner and aspirin/coughdrop dispenser with the items you so carelessly "disgarded". Shame on you Miss Wastefulpants....

  4. And yes, I know I misspelled discarded.

  5. Aspirin expires? This explains EVERYTHING.

  6. Remember that packet of five rubber thingies you gave me for my pens?

    I'm still using the first one out of the pack.

    That was SO thoughtful of you.

  7. are/were quite a collector. I would have kept the ASA....if it was kept closed and in a drawer it was probably OK.....and a few of the S&L's just in case....and the tea in case the vodka suddenly appeared....I added you too!!

  8. I got lucky. They moved me from one desk to another about 12 months ago. Now they are moving me back. Consider it management by seating chart. But I don't have any real accumulated stuff.

    But more importantly, where do you keep your vodka? I need to come up with a new hiding spot.

  9. Damm..It might have been easier just to move the whole desk into it's new spot.
    Good luck kid! :)

  10. mmmm VODKA -- hey... let's do the russian tea room!~

    I dont put personal stuff at my desk at my "new" job -- it might feel like I am staying and I would never want to think this was like home!
