Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Let me tell you a little something about Iwanski.

Iwanski and I have been married for over 11 years, and I love him more and more every day. Every single day he makes me laugh. Can you imagine being married to someone like that? Life is grand when you’re married to Iwanski.

And not only does he make me laugh, but he also makes me smile when I’m feeling down. Ever so often, I have what I’ve recently referred to as a “meltdown.” During that day or two, I’m completely irrational and get upset about the littlest things…and finally, I break down and cry for a good hour or two, all the while spouting crazy melodramatic thoughts. Iwanski just sits there and listens, and then holds me and helps me see that everything is really okay, and that everything in the future is going to be okay.

He is my soulmate and my best friend, and I don’t know what I’d do without him.

Even though today is no special occasion, I had these feelings welling up inside of me, and I just had to write them down.

I love you, honey. Thank you for being the best friend and husband a girl could ever ask for.


  1. That is so GREAT! I thought I had the only one of those ~ so glad you do too!

  2. That was sweet MHP!..
    We should all take time out to count our blessings from time to time. :)

  3. I am so lucky to have you for a daughter-in-law. You laugh at his jokes. Love Mom I.

  4. awwww ... now im going to puke (just kidding!)

  5. Oh how sweet...I love him too. Well I love him for being so sweet to you...I don't love him like kissy huggy love.

  6. I remember in college watching you two laugh a lot and to this day you two still laugh a lot together. :)
