Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Found in the Morning

This is what I saw on the kitchen counter when I woke up this morning.

Yes, that’s right, folks—I live with a hobo.

I actually asked him if he ate it right out of the can. Yesiree, I did. But he didn’t. Thank God.

I guess he’s not a hobo after all.


  1. I laughed when I saw the photo, too funny. Today, I went into a store with my and he wanted to buy a can of baked beans to eat in the car. Maybe I can send him home with you guys.

  2. Jeez, I always leave out words... I went with my... what or who? It was my boy!

  3. Blaahhhhahh
    My kids always leave the spoon in the can or the cup -- so they wont ditry the counter, but then I bump the spoon and everything spills on the floor!
    So, he's a night eater

  4. Oh,I'd eat it out of the can.
    I like to think of it as a handy,single serving container.

  5. Oh I will eat spaghettios out of a can when I was younger...I love them like that...I could be a hobo.

  6. I'm not sure I could sleep next to someone who ate an entire can of anything that was "fully loaded."

  7. Arrrghh! I'm related to Iwanski. I left the spoon in a can of Bean-n-Bacon soup last night. Hubby gave me a weird look this morning.

  8. I do live with a hobo....I am rarely the one leaving home for a trip....I did have surgery in 2003 and was gone for 2 nights. Steve ate peas cold from a can...ditto for corn, veggie soup that should have been diluted with water AND two packs of bologna for sandwiches. Hobo.

  9. Mathman--I figured as much. :)

    Mouse--those damn kids! :) Yep, my hubby does eat late sometimes.

    Sling--ewwww!!!! Cold beef stew? *shudders*

    Sageweb--I feel like I might have done that at some point, too (eaten spaghettios out of a can)--but I don't think I would do it now. :)

    JP--as always, you CRACK me up! Fully loaded!--bwa ha ha! :)

    Speck--I think I gave that same look to Iwanski. :)

    Rosemary--you SO live with a hobo! :)

  10. This made me laugh!
    I'm guilty of eating out of a can sometimes. Not when the kids are home, of course. Bad example for them, dontcha think?
