Monday, August 4, 2008

Trying to Be Positive

OK, so I might as well just tell y’all: I’m having minor surgery on Wednesday.

Now don’t you fret, and don’t you frown, because I know everything’s gonna be okay. And after all, why worry about things that you have absolutely no control over?

Still, today my mind was consumed with thoughts and questions about the surgery, like:

 What will it feel like to “go under”? (Nope, I’ve never “gone under” before.)

 Will I feel any pain during the surgery?

 Will I get through the surgery okay?

 Will I be in a lot of pain afterwards?

 Will my recovery be relatively easy or difficult?

 Will the doctors find out everything inside of me is okay?

I’m mostly worried about this last one. Now, those of you that know me know that I’m generally a very positive person. However, sometimes I, too, can sink into negativity here and there. So any positive thoughts y’all can send my way, I’m sure that would definitely help!

OK, now I need to stop worrying. I will attract positivity with positivity. As Barack Obama might say, YES I CAN!


  1. hey, when you "come out" of surgery, make sure you puke all over a nice male nurse like I did. also, they ask you what your pain level is.... I guessed at "7" out of 10....which, apparently was the wrong number because they then proceeded to FREAK THE F OUT and fuss all over me. The best part was when they smiled and gave me a nice dose of sleepytime.
    carly-puddums I'll say a lil positive happy prayer for you!
    (send me an email with some details, yo)

  2. If your doctor comes in and says "Hi Everybody!" and is named Dr. Nick..then you have to worry.
    I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!

  3.  What will it feel like to “go under”? (Nope, I’ve never “gone under” before.)
    ..They may ask you to count backwards from 100.
    You might make it to 99

     Will I feel any pain during the surgery?

     Will I get through the surgery okay?

     Will I be in a lot of pain afterwards?
    ..You'll wake up in bed,wondering how you got there.
    It will probably be a little sore kid,but they'll give you a magic button for that.

     Will my recovery be relatively easy or difficult?
    ..You'll have an easier time than George Bush at a spelling bee.

     Will the doctors find out everything inside of me is okay?
    ..Yes..They'll very likely extend your warranty! :)

    Sending positive thoughts your way.

  4. One of the best parts of having surgery is once they bring you in to the operating room, they put this nice warm but thin blanket on you ~ just out of the dryer. Really makes you want to curl up and sleep. Will be sending good thoughts your way for sure.

  5. I agree with Barb 100%. And if I could agree more than 100% I would. I hope you feel as comforted by that warm blanket as Barb and I did with ours. ooh! I even remember my feet were cold, so they started rubbing my feet and found another blanket to put on my toesies....

  6. Thanks, everyone, for your support! :)

    Sfoofie--puking after surgery sounds like fun! *grin* But I do like the foot rub idea--I think that should be routine for every surgery. :)

    Mary Ruth--LOL! Thanks for the positive thoughts! :)

    Sling--you're so thoughtful! Thanks for your responses to my "wonderings"--your positive thinking is infectious! *smiles*

    Barb & Sfoofie--that warm blanket sounds WONDERFUL. Almost makes me look forward to surgery---ALMOST! :)

  7. Enough of that. I want the leftover narcotics.
