Saturday, August 30, 2008

Slow Your Roll

Lately I've been hearing about this new drink that's out on the market called "Drank."

I LOVE the idea behind this drink. Instead of being a hyper energy drink intent on keeping you active for hours, it's a "slow your roll" anti-energy drink that can help you relax. It contains melatonin, valerian root and rose hips (all natural relaxing and sleep-inducing ingredients).

I think we need more relaxation in our society. Many Americans are in "go go go" mode all the time, barely taking time to breathe every day. I have definitely been in that frame of mind myself lately. But hearing about this "anti-energy" drink reminded me that we need to all take some time to slow our collective roll.


  1. I don't need a drink to slow me down, I have my job.

  2. drink-drank-drunk...I love it. I take melatonin almost every night, just so I can sleep through the SO's snoring. I'm gonna check this one out. What's it sweetened with--do you know?
    It's really weird--I was just going through my usual blogs and the one I read before yours talked about slowing down too. Must be in the air.

  3. This sounds like a great idea!
    My mom used to make us Valerian tea to kind of take the edge off our antics...
    Not that I recommend drugging your children...but still.

  4. hmmmm sounds like this tea I use to drink .... long time ago. Not like sling's mom -- umm a bit differnt

  5. Y'all are funny! :)

    Mary Ruth--I found out this weekend that it's only in test markets in the we'll have to wait a bit. I'm not sure what it's sweetened with...but I bet they'll come out with a sugar-free version, regardless. *smiles*

    Sling--we shouldn't drug our children? Really?? *hee hee*

  6. Miss Healthypants...

    I have Drank... my roll has been slowed. And no, Cracker Mountain is not a test market.
