Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Miss Healthypants—1, Cancer—0

OK, so remember when I had that surgery a couple of weeks ago?

Well, before the surgery, my doctor had said that there was a possibility that afterwards, they might find out that I have cancer. Needless to say, I have been worried about that for the past couple of weeks.

Today, my doc called me to tell me the good news: I don’t have cancer! Whoo-hoo! I can’t tell you how happy I am right now.

It’s amazing how much you take things—like your health—for granted, until they are in jeopardy.

From now on, I will remember to thank God every day for my health, and for all the good things in my life.

Today, I am not only Miss Healthypants—I am also Miss Gratefulpants.


  1. I am relieved for you and happy, too.

  2. Nice to see you on the plus side of that equation kid!

  3. A huge WHEWWWW. Been there, done that. The stress is awful, the good news wonderful.

  4. sweet cuppin healthypants cakes batman! that is very good news!

  5. I'm so glad for you ~ I know firsthand what a relief it must be. CONGRATS!

  6. Glad to hear your doing well, cuz! The thought of cancer scares me as it took the life of my dear 36 year old friend - leaving two darling children (8 and 5) and a husband wondering how they will go on.

  7. Thanks, everyone! I'm still so glad about this "news"! *smiles*

    LA Boxer Girl--so glad to see you back here! :) And I'm so sorry to hear about your friend!--her poor husband and kids! That just sucks.

    Even though I don't know them, I'll say a prayer for them tonight.
