Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Job!

Hey, big news! I got the job!

Starting Monday, I will be the Customer Service Manager at my lovely place of employment. And I’m really happy about it.

The only problem is that for a while—until they find a replacement for me in my current job—I will have to do both jobs. Yikes!

Anyone wanna buy me a shot?


  1. Congrats on the new gig kid!
    I'm sending a cyber shooter your way..Salud!

  2. YAY!!!! Sending you two shots and what the heck, a pecan pie too!

  3. Congrats on the new job... Make the shot tequila and I'll have one too!

  4. Can you recommend me for your old job? I'll bet I could mess that department up REAL fast! But we could have lunch a lot.

  5. Aww, thanks y'all! :)

    And Buck--you'd sure find a way to mess it up! *grin* But it would be cool to have lunch often. :)

  6. Congrats! First round's on me.
