Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kinda Excited

Tonight, I have to do something that I haven’t done in at least 5 years.

I have to work on my resume.

No, I didn’t lose my job—quite the contrary! I’m actually applying for a new job. And I’m very excited about it. OK, so it’s in the same department where I currently work, and if I get the job, I’ll still be working for my current boss.

But still! Change can be really exciting. This particular position is a Customer Service Manager position…and I really enjoy customer service. So when this opportunity recently arose, I knew I had to go for it.

Wish me luck!


  1. Here is my official luck wishing comment.

  2. my advice... try writing a functional resume,,, it basically highlights your skills verses your work history which is what a traditional chronological resume does...

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. Will you have the same phone number? That's the big question. You know how I am with numbers. . .

    Good luck, Pood.

  4. Well, good luck.

    You LOVE customer service? Rare, rare breed, you is.

  5. Thanks, Mathman and everyone, for the good luck wishes! :)

    Diane--too late! I already turned in my regular ole' traditional resume. I think it'll be okay. :)

    Buck--don't fret, I will probably have the same phone number. :)

    Thanks, Rainey--I know, loving customer service...what am I, crazy?! :) Certainly a glutton for punishment! *grin*

  6. Yellow John and I wish ya nothing but the best!!

  7. Good luck, and keep us posted!

  8. Anonymous, Sling, & JP--thanks for the good luck wishes! I have my interview tomorrow. :)
