Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Weekend

Guess where Iwanski and I went for a long weekend?

You’ll never guess…

Yes, that’s right, we once again traveled beyond the Cheddar Curtain. (We must really like cheese!) This time we went to Wisconsin Dells, one of our favorite places on earth and the place where we had our honeymoon twelve years ago when we were young and poor. I love the touristy crap, while Iwanski has a strong affinity to the great outdoors. Well, actually, we both enjoy the beautiful forests and hills of Wisconsin. But this time we didn’t travel there specifically for the nature or the tourist crap.

We traveled there to see Willie Nelson in concert. And oh, what a show he put on! Honestly, the man is 75 years old, and he performed for two hours straight, without one break! And the man’s got SKEELS. He can play the guitar like none other—I could have listened to him for another two hours. It was just fabulous.

And to top it all off, he graciously ended the show by coming over to the audience and shaking people’s hands and signing autographs. I have never seen a performer—especially one of his caliber—do this. He really seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

And although I tried to shake his hand, I was a bit too far away…but Iwanski—the lucky bum!—got right up there and shook his hand. Actually, I’m glad that if one of us shook his hand, it was Iwanski. For a guitar novice who’s currently taking lessons, to shake the hand of a guitar legend like Willie Nelson—well, that was positively magical.

It was just a beautiful evening. We even got to see Willie’s son, Lucas, perform with his band (40 Points) as an opening act and also later with his father’s band. And let me tell you, the guitar-playing talent runs in the family. Lucas played a kick-ass guitar and after the concert, I told him just that! He was in the lobby signing autographs, and I said to him, “Dude, you were awesome!” He just smiled and said thank you, and then turned to sign the next autograph. He seemed to be just as real and nice as his father.

Sigh…I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful night—or weekend!

Besides the concert, my favorite parts of the weekend were taking a Dells boat ride along the scenic Wisconsin river, visiting the Wisconsin Deer Park where we fed and pet some really friendly deer, and walking in the woods with my favorite person in the whole world.

That’s right, Iwanski and I spent four days straight together and never got sick of each other. We enjoyed every minute of the weekend together and made some wonderful memories. I feel very lucky right now.


  1. The Dells sounds like a great honeymoon and get-a-way. Glad you had a great four days.

    I was wondering why not the ducks or Tommy Barlet(sp)? Do they still have them?

  2. OMG...the Cow Pie Place is Andy's and the kids' favorite place in the Dells...they would skip just about anyplace and/or show just to go there! And we love, love, love, Willie Nelson. We saw him in concert years ago, and he was awesome! A true showman. Blue eyes crying in the rain...
    I'm glad to hear you had a great weekend.

  3. That photo is so cu-watt!

    What the hell is a cow pie?

  4. Mathman--it is a great place to go! And we have gone on the ducks and seen the Tommy Bartlet show before--but we just didn't have enough time to do everything we wanted to do, this time.

    Murry--yay! I love the Cow Pie Place and Willie Nelson, too! *smiles* I had no idea you guys were big Willie fans...but I'm glad you are--he's awesome!! :)

    Buck--glad you liked the picture. :) A Cow Pie is basically a hunk of chocolate with pecans and caramel in it--so basically a turtle, but bigger. And it's yummy! :)
