Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Never Again

I don’t have the energy to blog too much tonight. But I do want to make one bold declaration:

I’m never eating the chili from Wendy’s again.

Never. Ever. Ever again.

And that is all.


  1. I am having one of those nights, too. I can't keep my eyes open. Too bad about the Wendy's Chili.

  2. The point is that Miss Healthypants should never eat anything from Wendy's unless there is a "drunk" excuse... wait.. that goes for the entire population

  3. Mathman--we must be on the same wavelength. :)

    Citymouse--I agree with you. I can't believe I was actually sober when I ate the chili!

  4. I didn't eat any chili from Wendy's but my stomach just spontaneously burbled in solidarity.
