Sunday, May 11, 2008

Brown Sugar Bumps

When I was a kid, my absolute most favorite treat in the whole world was Brown Sugar Bumps. What are these delicacies, you may ask? Well, the recipe is very simple—and very healthy, of course. (Wouldn’t you expect it to be, with a name like “Brown Sugar Bumps”?)

¼ cup butter
½ cup brown sugar
¼ cup peanut butter
1 cup oatmeal

All you have to do is melt the butter and then add in the other 3 ingredients. Of course, to make “bumps,” you can put small spoonfuls of the mixture on a cookie sheet and refrigerate it for 10 minutes—but I preferred to just eat it right out of the bowl. Yummy! My best friend and I would often share a bowl of this delicious mixture.

I remember one time (I think I was about 8 years old), my sister Sheri (who’s two years older than me) gave my friend and I the rare opportunity to play with her. (She of course had her own friends and didn’t often want to hang out with her little sister and her little sister’s friend.) We decided we were going to play runaways, and the only food we had to eat was—of course—brown sugar bumps.

We had an attic above our garage, and so that was our hideaway. I remember that we all had to make up our runaway name, and while my friend and I picked normal, boring names like “Sue” and “Barbara,” my sister picked the name “Cricket.” I thought that was SO cool.

So while we hid out in the attic, Cricket would give us our rations of Brown Sugar Bumps. I don’t remember a lot about the rest of what we played, but I do remember being frustrated that I couldn’t eat as many brown sugar bumps as I wanted to. That mean old Cricket!

I’m telling you, Brown Sugar Bumps are very addictive. Trust me, just try them—you won’t be able to stop eating them!**

**Unless your name is John Iwanski. He says they’re “too sweet.” I don’t know what he’s talking about!


  1. Saw you at greeny's and came to visit. I was glad to see you're in Chicago. Moved from there to Atlanta five years ago. I like what I've read so far.

  2. MHP, Ricardo and I have BSB's ALL the time! We always have the ingredients (all FOUR!) on hand so that we can have a sweet snack ready at a moment's notice. (We are not as concerned about our health as you and Iwanski no doubt are.)

  3. Oh, and we NEVER put them in bump-shapes on a cookie sheet before cooling them... they stay in the mixing bowl and go right into the freezer for a short cooling-down period before being eaten with a spoon straight from the bowl. (We are much less refined than you and Iwanski no doubt are.)

  4. If I ever visit your family, I want brown sugar bumps, your mom's lasagne, and cheese curds.

  5. Now that does sound very yummy.
    Thanks for coming to my blog for a visit. Come back anytime.

  6. Brown Sugar Tumors are gross.

  7. Mathman--thanks for the nice comment!

    Sheki--I haven't had BSB's in years! Now I have to have some! *grin* Believe me, I'm not refined, either--I would forgo the freezing and just eat them right away after mixing them.

    Buck--it's a deal. I can make you brown sugar bumps any time you like, too! *smiles*

    Mom--I will surely be back to your blog!

    Honey, only you would call them Brown Sugar Tumors! :)

  8. I must admit,,, playing runaways and using your attic as your hiding place was more creative than what my sisters and I ever played,,, usually we played Charles Angels and I was Jacklyn Smith because I had brown hair, my sister who had blonde hair was Farah Facet,,, and what is the name of the third angel again?,,, my other sister was her... since my dad was a woodworker we had wooden carved out guns to play with too!!!

  9. Why didn't I see this recipe before buying premade chocolate chip cookie dough? (Not that I think there's anything wrong with that>)

  10. Anonymous--you make me laugh! :)

    LP Cards fan--I TOTALLY dig chocolate chip cookie dough, too! :)

  11. My friend and I were recently discussing about how we as human beings are so hooked onto electronics. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of downloading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

    (Submitted using NetPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)

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