Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tastes of Tuscany

Recently, I saw an advertisement that read “Try three new entrees inspired by the tastes of Tuscany.” Hmm, I thought, Tuscany! That sounds good.

Guess what the advertisement was for?

Cat food!

Yes, that’s right. Fancy Feast has a new line of cat food called “Elegant Medleys”—some of which are apparently “inspired by the tastes of Tuscany.”

So I thought to myself, “Let’s see if our cats like the tastes of Tuscany.”

I brought home a can of “White Meat Chicken Tuscany in a Savory Sauce with Long Grain Rice and Garden Greens.” (I would eat that!)

I held the can in front of our cats’ faces and said, “Do you want to try the tastes of Tuscany?”

Autumn said, “M-raow.” Hattie said, “Meh-he-he-he.”

I took that to mean, “Yes, we would love to try the tastes of Tuscany. Please put some on little plates so that we may partake in the Tuscan chicken with long grain rice and garden greens.”

So I did just that.

Hattie ate for a minute and then ran away into the bedroom. Apparently she did not like the tastes of Tuscany. Autumn licked her plate clean and then licked Hattie’s plate clean, too. Success! Apparently we have a cat who loves Tuscan-inspired food.

Hmm, do you think if I cooked up a batch of Tuscan ravioli, Autumn would eat it?


  1. What cats REALLY want is canned mouse parts in gravy.

  2. How 'bout it? I think Autumn and Hattie would have to agree on that one. Them mouse parts is tasty! *grin*

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the newest light in the comedy firmament: Miss Healthypants!

  4. *smiles* to you, Lorrainey. Thanks for the nice comment! :)

  5. Hattie is such a scared cat that she actually ran way from a plate of chicken that tasted different from her usual chicken.
