Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Show's over, folks!

Well, I made it through the show. And I had fun! I was surprised at how quickly the time went by. I enjoyed it because I was with the very entertaining Jason Boskey and John Iwanski. After a while, I just felt like we were hangin’ out, chatting. And that is something I like to do!

Fun times!


  1. If I'd known you'd be hosting, I would have call in!
    AND read the comments that John wrote down from that hilarious night.

    Maybe next time. . .

  2. For those interested, the show will be replayed at 10pm Central, 8pm Pacific on Boskey Radio West tonight!

    MHP was fantastic last night!!!

  3. Awww, Boskey--you're nice!

    Thanks for the nice comment...I'm not sure it's true, but thanks all the same! *smiles*
