Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nostalgic for What?

Tomorrow night, I’m going out to dinner with a good friend of mine. I’m kind-of hoping that she’ll agree to go to the Reagle Beagle, a 70’s- and 80’s-themed restaurant/bar. I haven’t been there yet, but it sounds like fun. After all, I love the 70’s and 80’s—especially the 80’s.

I love anything 80’s. I love 80’s music, 80’s sitcoms, 80’s references…I really love the “I Love the 80’s” tv show.

I know it’s all quite lame. I know this. But I don’t care. I guess it just has some nostalgic value to me. I can hear a song from the 80’s and be instantly transported back to junior high school.

Come to think of it, why is this in any way a pleasant memory to me? Junior high was not exactly the best experience of my life. I was a huge nerd with big permed hair and even bigger glasses. I was not popular. (But at least I was smart.)

In my 7th grade class, there were only 6 girls and something like 30 boys. And all 5of the other girls in my class were cheerleaders. At least I was cool enough to not be a cheerleader. I can remember vividly sitting on a swing, trying to ignore the 5 of them as they cheered over and over again: “Ready?—OK! Take it to the limit, take it to the top, we are the mighty Wolves and we can’t be stopped…so take it to…the TOP!” And then the worst part was the inevitable “Wooo!”s that followed the cheer. Really? You think your lame-ass cheer is something to “wooo” about?

And then there was the boy I just had the hugest crush on—throughout junior high and much of high school. I will never forget how much I wanted to go out with Brian. He was probably the most popular boy in the school—mostly because he was a pretty funny guy. Once, I had the chance to dance with him at a school dance, ON MY BIRTHDAY. I was in seventh heaven!

So I guess they weren’t all bad moments in junior high—just most of them.

And I’m still a huge nerd. You wanna know how much of a nerd I am? I am the only person I know who can hear the song “We Built This City” and get teary-eyed.

Now that’s nerdy!


  1. aww but you were always my "cool" aunt ya nerd. I remember your crushin on Milli Vanilli...come to think of it, didn't we listen to "We Built This City" ALL the time? About time you got a blog - you should put some poetry up.

  2. I think I've got you beat on the nerdiness scale. I cry, real tears, EVERY time I hear Barry Manilow's, "We Made It Through The Rain". I shouldn't be allowed to listen to music anymore.....

  3. Well, you know how I feel about the 80s.

    For some reason, my radio alarm clock doesn't pick up NPR on my side of the bedroom so I found a random station (based on the fact that a U2 song was playing), just so I'd wake up to something. So yesterday I woke up to Thompson Twins and this morning it was Spandau Ballet. Sweet.

  4. Sfoofie, I can't believe I EVER crushed on Milli Vanilli! *LOL* Yes, I absolutely loved "We Built This City." And I will probably post some poems at some point.

    Anyway, you're just a big sweetie! :)


    Auntie MHP :)

  5. LOL, Daisy's Mom! I get teary-eyed from "Can't Smile Without You" sometimes. :)

    Lorrainey, I'm glad you share my deep and profound respect for 80's music. :)

    Hola, Eric! :)

    Love, MHP :)

  6. Welcome to Blogopia. I can't believe you got 8 comments already. You suck!

  7. Thanks, dooder. Just remember that 2--now 3--of the comments are actually me commenting! *grin*


    Poodle :)

  8. was it just me or did anyone else find Carla's cheerleading "expriences" hilarious? Sort of reminds me of a scene from the WONDER YEARS...remember Winnie and the kid with the nose like Beaker...
