Friday, April 25, 2008


I am very excited about tomorrow. My good friend Diane is coming down from Wisconsin, and we’re going to eat, shop, and just have a great time chatting and exploring this lovely city.

Then, for dinner, Diane and Buck and I (and maybe Iwanski) are going to the Reagle Beagle. The Reagle Beagle, for those of you who don’t know, is a 70’s & 80’s themed restaurant/bar that resembles the Regal Beagle Lounge from Three’s Company.

I. Love. It.

So Buck said that if he, Diane, and I go to the “Beagle,” he would be Jack Tripper, and I (the blonde) would be Chrissy, while Diane (the brunette) would be Janet. Then I said that if Iwanski came, he could be Jack’s friend Larry. But Iwanski insisted that he would be Mr. Furley. That’s right. I’m married to Mr. Furley.

Don’t you envy me?