Monday, April 21, 2008

Bad Day

I had kind-of a bad day today.

Today, I feel like nothing I say or do or write comes out like I want it to.

Did you ever have a day like that?

I blame the full moon.

Yes, there’s a full moon tomorrow night, but I think I’m already feeling the effects of it. I know there’s no scientific evidence of it, but I do notice that people today seemed a little more aggressive/crazy than usual.

And I want out of it!

Stop the world and let me off!

Did you ever feel like that?

I already know that I worry too much about what people think of me. And my ego is just rearin’ its ugly head again today. I just want people to know that I only want good things for everyone in the world.

What I want for the world is peace, love, and brotherhood—and for God’s sake, a sense of humor! But sometimes despite my best efforts, people think bad things about me. That’s just a fact of life that I have to live with.

But I don’t have to like it.


  1. Everyone who knows you likes you. If there's anyone who doesn't like you, the only reason is they don't know you. This one is so obvious.

    I've never met a more likeable and beautiful person.

  2. how can you be in a bad mood when iwanski does Mr. T?
    my prior job was just RIFE with BADNESS around full moons. it was crazy inevitable and awful. I know those days dear aunty and you just need to put a little love in your heart. OR they say drugs can cure all, but where would your life be then!?
    did I ever tell you that I often think I inherited a lot of your personality? eg: we can be very sunshiney and want the world to be so good and one little bad day can really offset the balance of life. then tomorrow comes and we're back in full swing of happiness and sunshine. right?

  3. You are the last person in the world who should feel that way about themsleves. I agree with Iwanski.... to know you is to love you!!

  4. Aww, thanks y'all! I'm doing better today.

    Sfoofie, you'd think I would never be in a bad mood, with my Mr. T hubby around!--but alas, I do succumb to negativity once in a while.

    And Sfoof, I am SO like you described! I guess it's a family trait--specifically for us girls! I hope we both have a sunshiney happy day tomorrow! *smiles*

  5. I'm dying to come to Wisconsin with you someday and see these women in your family.
    From what I've seen so far, they are pretty incredible. Tyrannosaurus arms and all!

  6. Someone doesn't like you? Only an idiot wouldn't like you.

    Throw them to the great whirling blades!

  7. You're not updating enough for my edification and entertainment.

    I'm just sayin'

  8. Aww, y'all are so sweet! Thanks for all the nice comments.

    And dooder, I'll have to get right on that--but only for you!! *grin*

  9. Aww, y'all are so sweet! Thanks for all the nice comments.

    And dooder, I'll have to get right on that--but only for you!! *grin*

  10. Aww, y'all are so sweet! Thanks for all the nice comments.

    And dooder, I'll have to get right on that--but only for you!! *grin*
